I am good person who hates evil spirit by being evil spirit to evil spirit. When there is evil spirit among many(10),then it must be grouped as two to be pitted against their two each.When there is social evils among 1000,then they must be pitted against other 1000 people for their another 1000 people to solve social evils(ambiguity/self-ignorance/adamant-mind). We need not do cleaning politics. Politics if matured make self-eliminate evil spirits by themselves. IF YOU ARE GOOD,YOU MUST BE ABLE TO ACCEPT OTHER PERSON ' S GOOD for another person's good.
నేను రోగిష్టిని ప్రేమిస్తాను . అయితే రోగిష్టిలో ఉన్న రోగమును ద్వేషిస్తాను .