Showing posts from January 12, 2018
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Other name of Amitabh Bachchan is persistence for moral-culture in society. Moral-culture means face(name)(heart) for voice(money). Name earning for voice is mind application on other/s word(heart). Name(face) earning for voice(sense) is subjectivity by making objectivity self-eliminate itself. Objectivity is villain in mature society. Subjectivity is hero in mature society. Verb is character build. Adjective is comedy which should not become life itself even though life may have comedy.
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Indian OR experts need work out more energy efficiency solutions for
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Subject(hero),verb(character artiste),object(villain) and adjective(comedian) are politcial voice(sense previalance)(money) by name(face)(account head). Why,what,how,where,when and whom are public(business) adminstration(solution). There is public ADMINSTRATION in political voice. And there is political voice in public adminstration. So it takes two(diverse) (appearances).at first to be and prevail as one(unity) at next. That means m k Gandhi struggled for political voice independence from fox-mindset and dog-mindset to lion-mindset in India for economic freedom of world.
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Pakistanis were also Indians so to stay as Indians with anti-Indian mind as long as Indians stay as anti-Pakistani mind.
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