Whither indian(social) media on suicidal path like indian cinema?
Indian(social) media all over nation & world need be either PRO-ESTABLISHMENT or ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT. Indian(social) media is not expected to be TRUTHFUL by readers & audience.They are free to sell their own versions of truth. But where is self-enforcement of MORALITY being either PRO-ESTABLISHMENT or ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT by umbrella(say PRESS COUNCIL OF INDIA) organisation of social(indian) media? Is press council of india OR editors guild OR working journalists union conducting periodical professional meetings among members to self-enforce MORALITY? Indian(social) media need not be true but at the same time it should not be far from truth. Indian(social) media need focus on realistic issues in information age as 1)there are mature political parties than ever before to campaign & criticise govt programs & policies;2)present world became small global village by internet & mobile telephony;3)indian society became politically mature and 4)there is ACTIVE INDIAN JUD...