
Showing posts from February 27, 2013

Leader is defined as good-character(social mind) and earner(nonlinear voice).

Even though I earned NAME for myself,I can't earn RESPECT AND VOICE from others. But I earn BELIEF AND HEART from others. Engineer is social. English is mind. Only 33% persons in world have social-mind and good character. GOOD CHARACTER IS BEING GOOD WITH BAD PERSONS AND BAD WITH GOOD PERSONS TO PREVAIL GOOD WITH GOOD PERSONS AND BAD WITH BAD PERSONS. TO BE LEADER,ONE SHOULD HAVE BOTH GOOD CHARACTER(social mind) AND EARNING(non-linear voice).

Lack of social mind is characterlessness.Need for character makes social-world organisations loose their influence on world-people.Antisocials and reactionaries are just catalysts.CATALYSTS CAN'T SOLVE.ALL PERSONS NEED NOTE THAT LOK SABHA TV AND RAJYA SABHA TV ARE LEAST-POPULAR TV CHANNELS OF ALL.

SYSTEM CORRECTS ITSELF AND STARTED CORRECTING NOW. ANTI-SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONARIES(naxalites) and SYSTEMIC-REACTIONARIES HAVE NO PLACE IN WORLD. PERSONS MUST KNOW THAT REACTION IS LEGALLY ENTERTAINED ONLY FOR ORGANISATIONS/32 PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS HEADS.   ANTI-SOCIAL(social OF social) IS IMMATURE SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. DIVINE(social TO social) IS MATURE SOCIAL DEMOCRACY. Feeling is being. Experiencing is becoming.  Characterlessness is deemed as one kind of character to solve antisocials and reactionaries. Nativity and work address solve characterlessness. Social(leading)-human(earning) mind(law) became only 66% evil at any given time in past. So it is DISCOVERY OF INDIA but NOT INVENTION OF INDIA. Hyderabad city need become second political capital city of india as political-adminstrative voice-sense IS EXPANDING BEING EXHAUSTIVE. Political HIGH is govt. Economic HIGH is legal police. Instructional HIGH is legal-academicians. Political HIGH need be separated from ec...

Political HIGH.HIGH includes social evils to allow-eliminate social evils by themselves at next.MEDIOCRE divides social-evils to include social-evils.That's the difference between politics and economic-instructional adminstration.

Political HIGH are dynamic moderate. Political HIGH need connect with social-world organisations/depts round-the-clock by PC-internet.

Employees need be earn low at low earners;right at right earners and rob at robbers.That is right path for employees who work between department/organisation heads and customers/users towards WORLD PEACE(EQUALITY)..

Political high don't do economic work and instruction work by adminstering solution. Political high JUST MANAGE police(socio-economics) and instructors(socio-legals). So at first instance,agrieved persons need SEMD QUESTION ABOUT SOLVING SOCIAL PROBLEM BY WRITING EMAIL to ORGANISATION/DEPARTMENT HIGH. As matter of fact,agrieved persons are not sending question by writing email to organisation/department high for the sake of GIVING THEIR NAME/S & WORK/ADDRESS.It is characterlessness & social-criminality. M K Gandhi & myself are world's first leaders. World's first leaders don't stand election but do leading-guiding. World's first leaders make next leaders to stand and win election against their-next leaders.