As American nationals are "unaccounted minded",they can't think beyond "information". My point is that as human population is reaching maximum limit,HUMANS START FEELING ABOUT IT AS HUMANS ARE SOCIAL ANIMALS WHO DEPEND ON OTHER/S FOR THEIR NEEDS TO BE FULFILLED WHILE DOING THEIR PROFESSION TO SURVIVE AMONG OTHER/S. So naturally when human/s needs are reaching infinite,their needs "through word/s by their mind/s" start 'controlling towards zero' CONCURRENTLY BECAUSE OF INHERENT HUMAN SOCIAL MORALITY IN WORLD. That means human resources then(at the end of part two) will be optimized such that human population growth WILL BE MARCHING TOWARDS STABILITY OF ALL KINDS OF GROWTH. In other words,human mind naturally maintains balance between quantity and quality "through application,concentration and devotion of mind on word/s". THAT IS NOTHING BUT KNOWLEDGE(LATERALITY)(LITIGANCY)(INDIAN)(SOCIAL) MIND WHICH STARTS WORKING AGAINST PR...