If govt doesn't know how to be reactive to any public reaction,same minister m.venkaih naidu who is then. publicly reacted to govt action(or reaction) would not come to present seat of power at all. What I mean to say is that govt doesn't entertain individuals but parties.And parties should have right character than their individual leaders. So what I mean to say is that if govt doesn't know how to be ambiguous by either acting and/or reacting to public reaction ,present ruling allaince(party) at central govt should not come to power at all through then Bjp and then voters reaction.
Union urban development minister Shri. M.Venkaiah naidu told in "tv9 mukhamukhi" interview with Jaffer that GOVT ACTS BUT DOESN'T REACT on any public demand. Yes ! Minister conveniently avoided to add more on subject. GOVT REACTION TO PUBLIC REACTION IS ALSO DEEMED AS GOVT ACTION.