
Showing posts from August 11, 2017

Is hindi actress in Telugu film a wrong thing ?


Does ALL PERCENT Indian Muslims say like this under present BJP govt in India ? I don't think so.


Because factor of luck is just 1% in result. Bhagyalaksmi lottery of Then AP govt was just one rupee ticket for earning one lakh rupees.


Dedicated freight corridor project must be expedited as fast as possible than bullet train project.


God is graceful. So evil to evil in evil is goodness all over world.

à°•ాà°°ుà°£్à°¯ రసము à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°¡ు . తద్à°µాà°°ా ఇతరులకు à°¨ీ à°—ుà°°ింà°šిà°¨ భయము మరిà°¯ు ఇతరులకు à°µాà°°ి à°—ుà°°ింà°šిà°¨ à°µీà°°à°¤్వము à°•à°²ుà°—ుà°¤ాà°¯ి .

Gramophone records for songs were the first form of song records.


I can't understand or for that matter nobody in present days understand why KiranPrabha is "still pessimistic" about better future. Social law is such that society will be becoming good as much as society is becoming evil CONCURRENTLY. Everybody who is pessimistic must note.


Govt is not supposed to compensate goodness to immorality. Mature society offers ONLY IMMORALITY TO IMMORALITY. When will mudragada Padmanabhan know this and avoid begging and avoid resorting to anarchy ?

à°•ాà°ªు à°œాà°¤ి à°µాà°°ిà°¨ి à°µిమర్à°¶ à°šేà°¸ే à°ª్à°°à°œాà°¸్à°µాà°®్à°¯ à°¹à°•్à°•ు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°•ాà°ªు à°•ులము à°•ాà°¨ి à°µాà°°ిà°•ి à°²ేà°¦ా ?

Japanology !


Yes ! US armed forces are battle-tough.


Teachers must know that academics is not for academic brilliance. Academics is for social brilliance. SOCIETY IS EXISTING FOR ACADEMIC BRILLIANCE in other words. Parents should note that their children learning in classrooms is not meant for academic brilliance "but for social brilliance like name earning in public". So parents should guide their children towards explaining subject among other students in classroom so that their children knowledge becomes self in social". Knowledge improves only through sharing it as self among other/s. Mere reading and listening to get marks is not knowledge. Knowledge is to make self as self in other/s. Being no.2 to no.2 in no.2 makes children as true no.1 self. So students must aim earning their marks upto just 66% only in class. Anybody aiming for earning 100% marks will be and prevail as ignorant and criminal. Both parents and students must remember. Classroom is just path but not goal for social. Social is goal of self.

à°šేయకూà°¡à°¨ిà°µి అనగా à°…à°œ్à°žానము à°²ేà°¦ా à°šెà°¡ు à°²ేà°¦ా తప్à°ªు . సమాజముà°²ో à°šేయకూà°¡à°¨ిà°µి à°Žà°²ా à°‰ంà°Ÿాà°¯ో à°šేయవలసినవి à°…à°²ాà°—ే à°‰ంà°Ÿాà°¯ి . à°•à°¨ుà°• à°šేయకూà°¡à°¨ిà°µి à°®ొదటగా à°®ాà°Ÿ్à°²ాà°¡ుà°•ుంà°Ÿే à°šేయవలసినవి à°®ీà°¦ ఆలోà°šà°¨ à°¸్à°¥ిà°°à°®ు à°…à°µుà°¤ుంà°¦ి .

Society is adverse(complex). So one should learn to be adverse to adverse. That means one should believe in appearing evil to both being evil and appearing good. BRILLIANCE(greatness) OF EVIL(inconsistency against adverse questions) IS THAT EVIL MAKES GOOD AS TRUE GOOD. So one should believe in being EVIL OF GOOD to prevail as TRUE GOOD. Just goodness is not enough to stay forever. One should be TRUE GOOD which means consistent being inconsistent to inconsistent. True law is crime of law. That means one should be lawful ONLY TO LAWFUL which means being criminal to criminal. EVIL IS BEING LAWFUL TO CRIMINAL. GOOD IS BEING LAWFUL ONLY TO LAWFUL. You can't make donkey as horse and horse as donkey. In same way,you can't account other/s money(voice) as your money(voice) in bank. You have to be your voice(money) in your vocie(money) of your mind(work) "towards appreciation of your name(sense) prevailance.THERE CAN NEVER BE NAMELESS MONEY IN SOCIETY. Reserve bank of India and Federal reserve never prints currency(voice) as nameless(senseless) for public circulation. Pl.remember.

సమాజముà°²ో à°šెà°¡ు (à°ª్à°°à°¤్యర్à°¥ి à°ª్à°°à°¶్నకు à°®ాà°Ÿ à°¨ిలకడ à°²ేà°®ి ) à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°®ంà°šిà°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి . à°•à°¨ుà°• à°®ంà°šి (à°ª్à°°à°¤్యర్à°¥ి à°ª్à°°à°¶్నకు à°®ాà°Ÿ à°¨ిలకడ ) à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°šెà°¡ుà°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªింà°šాà°²ి à°•à°¦ా . -------- à°¨ైà°¤ిà°•à°¤ (à°ª్à°°à°¤్యర్à°¥ి à°ª్à°°à°¶్నకు à°®ాà°Ÿ à°¨ిలకడ ) à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°®ొదట à°—ా à°‰ంà°¡à°¦ు . à°šేà°°ుà°•ొà°¨ి à°¨ిలవాà°²ి .

How can other/s voice(money) be earned by self ?

à°¸ంà°ªాదన à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°•à°¤ à°¯ొà°•్à°• à°µ్యక్à°¤ిగతమైనది .