
Showing posts from April 2, 2012

Live new.

One has to live new everyday.

Indian film makers! Emotion please.

Why indian films lack human emotion? Why hollywood films lack human sentiment & drama?

World is one.

Highly saying is not high living. Maoists & swamiji trusts just say high. Indian National Congress lives high. One who lives high can keep others live high. 


Never and 100% perfection don't exist in real human society. 

Reel life & real life should not mix.

Those who wish to have voice in cinema should not have voice in public.  

One who miss some films miss something in life.Buy DVD.

I am practising script-writing & song writing-composing in my pc.

Cinema & social media will die soon.

Police & cinema philosophies are same imitation. Healers & media philosophies are same hypocracy.

Nine to sixteen is now.

Truth(response) is from 9 to 16. Public insanity is 1 to 8.