Never think that police should not have been there at all.They may be good either at first instance or at next instance.
I wish to keep some important words in public memory. 1.character(buddhi); 2.knowledge(jnanam); 3.mafia(being just for social four); 4.court; 5.dept.;; 7.self or other; 8.nonlinear in-between voice; sensible voice; 10.alternating thought process; 11.being complex TO complex is simple; 12.reverse OF reverse BY reverse FOR reverse is direct; 13.immoral OF immoral BY immoral FOR immoral is moral; 14.disorder OF disorder BY disorder FOR disorder is order; 15.instructing myth(ological) BY myth is ignoring public;Ex:NTR 16.good spirit means being as non-existence and non-existence as being; 17.good mind means mind being systemic-compliant; 18.spiritual mind BY social mind is ideal; 19.full-stop must face both question mark and exclamation mark.