
Showing posts from August 6, 2012

Diabolicals ! Cherapakuraa chedevu.

A family like late.bhagavathula lakshminarayana don't know that even if their idea is to make/mar an orphan like me,it boomerangs on them marring/making their family respect among social four. Social four says that one's family has to be good at next.   

North-west is personal sense.North-east is social voice.

USA diabolical jewish and arabic. AMERICA AND WEST ARE DIFFERENT FROM USA GOVT.(concert of 20 persons).

Only devils can face immoral-insane.

The kingdom of god is within you. Those who are in east can't look east but look west. Those who are in west can't look west but look east. Those who are in north can't look north but look south. Those who are in south can't look south but look north. Hence social sense is south-east by social-minded north-east or personal-minded north-west. VEDAM IS BELIEF IN SOUTH-EAST(ramam) OUT OF EAST-WEST-NORTH-SOUTH RESPECT.

Human life-four evil lions-person-name

Life is composed of first and next. Is it legal to talk about sense of those persons who left this world with pleasure at their last moment? Life has four evils to be solved at first and next. 1.immoral-insane 2.reactionary demon 3.antispiritual devil 4.imperial half-truthful Above four social evils are truthful to their self. But human life is social. So above four social evils have to be truthful from other/s at next. That is ramrajya. Hence rama the person is different from rama the name.

Immoral business ads

Immoral social sense leads to LEPROSY,CANCER & HEART DISEASE. Disease comes from social mind. So social mind should be moral.

Israel must be DOWN to make palestine liberation OUT.So PALESTINE NATION & TELANGANA STATE are just human insanity(MIND-PASSION).Israel & Visalandhra are MIND-SENSE(vedam).

Any human liberation movement has theosophical social reason at first,turbulent political logic at next and critical business risk at last(first). TELANGANAM(linguistic movement) is by world ignorance. Ignoring DOWN as OUT is social-immorality. Hinduism is DOWN to make islam self-suicide.Hinduism is NOT OUT.   

Word(maata) has heart(hrudayam) as voice(bhavam).

Bhava-udvegam(MIND-PASSION) naturally exists among social four. MIND-PASSION(insanity) is socal voice without adding name for BINDING among social four. Insanity is solved by antispiritual devils. Devils are solved by imperial half-truthfuls. Half-truthfuls are solved by reactionary demons. Demons are solved by immoral-legal insane.

Let's know mechanism of social sense by social mind.

Govt.(moral leader by concert of 20 persons) will not be at receiving end between next instance and last instance. But indian police(social intellectuals) & imperial half-truthful INC will be at receiving end during next half of moral story. So directional criminal antispirituals(law ignorants) will be successful in public ignorance. Hence indian maoists(social mind) enter power politics to make people as law knowledgeables. After people becoming knowledgeables,again humanist INC(social sense) will be in govt.(moral leader by concert of 20 persons) for success in two elections out of every three elections.   

Four social evils

Four social evils are reactionary demons,antispiritual devils,immoral-legal insane and imperial half-truthfuls.

I am not linguistic chavunist.But I am personal favourite.

Bhasha(linguistic)(mind-passion) is nazism.Nazism is of legality by legality for legality among social four. Bhavam(person)(mind-sense) is jewish.Jewish is of morality by legality for legality among social four.

When there is lower CONSTRAINT,there is upper CONSTRAINT.It is social sense.

Ayurveda,Naturopathy,homeopathy and allopathy are remedial systems which are person-constrained,place-constrained and time-constrained. 


HINDU(native) linguistics,VEDAM(voice-sense) divinity and SPIRITUAL direction devils all are by becoming different to be same.   


RAMAM IS VEDAM(voice-sense),GAMYAM(destination) and AADUKALAM(playground). VEDAM is neither voice nor sense to be talked about. GAMYAM is neither personal nor social but inter-personal. AADUKALAM is neither business nor adminstration but solution. 

I respect RUSSIA and USA both equally.

I,RAMA THE PERSON(VEDAM) am happy to note that RUSSIA is reading my blog positively. I am sad to know that USA is reading my blog negatively. Anyway,I see enemies in my friends as well as friends in my enemies.   


From may/june/july 2012 A.D.,Indian(social) is no more SECULAR at next but NATIVE(hindustan) from next to last(first). World arabic should vanish at last(first). SAHEB(police) is respected but not believed. Sahib is the first judge. Govt.(concert of 20 persons) never entertain single person. Govt.entertains only workgroups or Oh Dr.Zakir Naik,founder of  islamic foundation of india! Since VEDAM(voice-sense) addresses DEVIL(word-sense) precision,shall humans believe DEVIL? DEVIL(word-sense) precision is not believed but just respected. VEDAM(voice-sense) precision is not respected but just believed.