Here in indian politics,enjoyment is only by being renunciation.
Feature film first half is enlarged by twists-turns into second half for sense at the end of part two. Political-reality(real life) imitates film-imagination(reel life) and history. So if indian communist-maoist or hindu swamijis show interest in politics,they must show interest in film imagination and history. INDIA HAS EXTERNAL WORLD IN ITS INTERNAL BEINGS. So those who practise politics by media will fail as DISSERVICE & INSANE TO OTHERS(people). Only in indian subcontinent,politics is like other fields where success matters. So if those aspiring political power need estimate their success by relinquishing personal life. INDIAN POLITICS ARE NOT JUST TO REACH TRUTH LIKE INDIAN POLICE & US NATIONAL GOVT. INDIAN POLITICS ARE TO STAY & RUN TRUTH LIKE MY INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS. SO BE ESTABLISHMENT FOR CHANGE OF GOVT.DECISIONS.