
Showing posts from March 18, 2016

Odd things are by even things. One is by two but not by three.


Religion if you take it as it is will be opium. Take with reverse sense.


O possible criminals ! When there is ferociousness and/or valour in your blood,there must be grace in your blood as well. Think twice before being ferocious and/or valour. Even if you don't eliminate evil.evil self-eliminates by itself in this ever-dynamic world. Have vision and leadership to your enterpreneurship in crime.


If you forego for pleasure,your senses will be dulled. - kulapati k m munshi in his book "bhagavadgita and modern India " published by bharatiya vidya bhavan.

To the mind that is still,the whole world surrenders. - Lao Tzu. There is more to life than increasing its speed. - Mahatma Gandhi.

Yes ! Let's be discrete. Animal may or may not be animal to itself. So punishment should be harsh.


So my opinion is that even though courts should not give verdicts on legislative assembly decisions,present andhrapradesh assembly and its speaker should not precipitate things "in larger public interest towards reposing confidence in govt institutions" .If I have to say bluntly about present AP assembly constitution,"this present naxalite assembly has to respect its naxalite working in the garb of social democracy". MLA Bonda Uma maheswara rao garu ! Do you believe that democracy is anarchy or antisocial or ignorance ? If you think so, you are living in fool's paradise. Democracy is knowledge(social) but of course which takes birth from ignorance(antisocial)(tamas)(fringe knowledge). Even knowledge(what to do) comes from ignorance(what not to do),we need believe in ignorance(tamas) among people. Let us strive hard for knowledge;what to do in public governance) while respecting ignorance(what not to do in public governance). War need not be fought by words or force. Wars can be won by heart/s also which is long term success. Let us think,value and strive hard about long term goals like reforming education system by respecting short term goals like present public issues. We can everything as public issue if we intend so. But our goal should be unity in diversity of all world people than diversity in unity which is at present. Bonda Uma garu ! Be statesman naxalite(antisocial)(reactionary). Why you cheat yourself ?

ఇటుà°µంà°Ÿి à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿ పరిà°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ిà°²ో à°¶ూà°¨్యముà°¨ు à°¸్మరణ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ేà°¦ాà°¨ి à°•à°¨్à°¨ా  "మహాà°¤్à°®ా" à°—ాంà°§ీ à°¨ి à°¸్మరణ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుంà°Ÿే ఇరుపక్à°·ాలకు à°¶ుà°­à°®ు à°•à°²ుà°—ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి .  à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ంà°Ÿే "మహాà°¤్à°®ా " à°—ాంà°§ీ à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿ à°µిà°®ోà°šà°¨ుà°¡ు.  "మహాà°¤్à°®ా" à°—ాంà°§ీ à°Žà°Ÿుà°µంà°Ÿి à°¸ంà°•à°Ÿà°®ులను à°…à°¯ిà°¨ా à°¸ుà°²ుà°µుà°—ా à°µిà°®ోà°šà°¨ à°•à°²ుà°— à°šేయగల à°…à°ªాà°° శక్à°¤ిà°®ంà°¤ుà°¡ు .  ఇది ఆధ్à°¯ాà°¤్à°®ిà°•(à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°• ) à°œీవనము .  --------------------- ఇక à°­ౌà°¤ిà°• à°œీవనము à°—ుà°°ింà°šిà°¨ à°ª్రసక్à°¤ి వస్à°¤ే ......  à°¨ాà°•ు à°•à°²ిà°—ిà°¨ à°œ్à°žానము à°ª్à°°à°•ాà°°à°®ు "à°šà°Ÿ్à°Ÿ సభలు à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ à°¨ిà°°్ణయముà°²ు సరి à°…à°¯ినవా à°•ాà°µా à°…à°¨ి à°¨్à°¯ాయస్à°¥ానముà°²ు à°¤ీà°°్à°ªు à°šెà°ª్పటము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°šెà°²్లదు .  à°…à°¯ిà°¤ే à°ª్à°°à°¸్à°¤ుà°¤ à°†ంà°§్à°° à°ª్à°°à°¦ేà°¶్ à°¶ాసన సభ à°²ో à°ª్à°°à°œాసమస్యల à°®ీà°¦ à°šà°°్à°šà°² à°¤ీà°°ు à°Ÿీà°µిà°²ో à°œాà°—్à°°à°¤్తగా గమనిà°¸్à°¤ే à°¨్à°¯ాయస్à°¥ానము à°œోà°•్యము à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోవలసిà°¨ పరిà°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ి à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ు తప్పక à°‰ంà°¦ి .  à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ంà°Ÿే à°†ంà°§్à°° à°ª్à°°à°¦ేà°¶్ à°¶ాసన సభ à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°­ాà°°à°¤ à°¦ేశముà°²ో à°«ెà°¡à°°à°²్ à°¸్à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°•ి à°²ోబడి à°¸్వతంà°¤్à°°à°®ు à°—ా పనిà°šేయగల à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°à°®ు (à°­ాà°§్యత ) à°•à°²ిà°—ి ఉన్à°¨ా à°«ెà°¡à°°à°²్ à°¸్à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°¯ూà°¨ిà°Ÿà°°ీ ఆలోà°šà°¨ à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ªుà°Ÿ్à°Ÿినది /à°•à°²ిà°—ినది à°…à°¨ి à°µిà°¸్మరింà°šà°¡à°®ు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°ª్à°°à°¸్à°¤ుà°¤ à°¶ాసన సభ à°¸్à°ªీà°•à°°్...

When there is sense(thought),there will be word.When there is word(thought),there will be face.When there is face,there will be voice.When there is voice,there will be name. When there is name,there will be human. That is humanism prevailance over communism and its other side which is capitalism. Mind is ambiguous to be made self-true by human effort.

à°¸ాà°—à°° à°˜ోà°· అనగా à°µేà°¦ à°˜ోà°· .

If any human believes in God,he must invoke God as last resort. How can any human start invoking God at first? Invoking God than one's own lineage is selfish-renunciation which is to be negated as it is appearing success with no belief in human effort. Invoking one's own lineage than God at first is social-renunciation which is to seek and believe in human effort to be both mindful voice and sensible by name.


Hinduism is worldwide which has no geographical boundaries.So every human is,has to be and will be Hindu. Hinduism is not raising slogans and organising world cultural festivals. "Hinduism is not by wearing but by having within". Hinduism is not dharana. Hinduism is way of life "by saying what is being done and doing what is being said".


Truth is simple. "India is by world. But India appears as world." Pl.remember this complex statement. So it is prudent to speak "mindful voice" which is 'jai hind' than "mindful sense" whcih is 'Bharat mata ki Jai'. Saying Bharat mata ki Jai is provoking social voice which is crime in world. Saying Jai hind is provoking social sense which is law in world. Pl.see India(heart) from world(mind)(work) angle than India(heart) angle. THIS IS MY STRICT PUBLIC ORDER TO ALL INDIANS. Think beyond. Think better. Think twice. Think as optimistic note by pessimism. Avoid thinking as pessimistic note which is Bharat mata ki Jai as "Pakistan and USA are watching India as its leader".


RSS is what is to,has to be and will be in mind. INC is what is,has to be and will be in voice.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) just appears as  "staying at truth(power)" as it reaches "truth(power)". Indian national congress is being "to stay at truth(power) by reaching truth(power)". That is the difference between two organisations about india(knowledge)(social)(reverse sense). -------------------------- RSS can't think beyond. RSS is moral soldier of India whereas INC is legal soldier of India. There is small difference between moral and legal. Moral is about mind. Legal is about its voice. What you voice is more important and valid than what you have in mind "even both appear as same".

Let's have self-confidence(which is beauty in heart) "for love to be self in self again" by overcoming desirous attraction. Let's control desires than suppressing desires. We want enough. We don't want less wealth as it leads to social revolt.And we don't want more wealth as it leads to social plundering.


Driver means controlled aggressor.
