
Showing posts from May 23, 2012

How many film directors in world have guts for self-criticism?

Ramgopal varma made film director within as hero by self-criticism in "ksd appalaraju".

First bhavam is made last bhavam by m k gandhi unlike world of journalists & film directors.

Police are in-between means between society and jail. In-betweens disappear in-between.  INC is itself police party of 8 other diverse brilliance groups. INC is first-to-last ends for next-to-ultimate ends. 

Have own collection of favourite film music from internet.

Whatever good(socially relevant) films are coming because of heroes & music composers. If one listens his/her collection of favourite film music,then he/she will be young than age. Age is for mind only.

World youth are growing old in their age.Age is psychological but not physical.

There is no point for world youth to discuss voice vote politics without knowledge of human history and adminstration principles of contrasts for bright society. Persist for consistency(truth) by being consistent in own inconsistency. Own inconsistency may be vruthi.So pravruthi is compulsion.  

Antispiritual is serpent created by respectfuls(police) to solve honourables(people).

It is truly easy to SEE(by belief),TAKE(by hand) and VOICE(by mouth) like Y.S.JAGAN. It is truly difficult to HEAR(by belief),THINK(by brain) and EAT(by mouth) like HIS EXCEL-LENCY. It is truly easy & difficult to WALK(by no belief) and GIVE(by hand) like POLICE & THEIR PEOPLE. 


Only Objective-Subjectives(antispiritual police) and Subjective-Objectives(religious fundamentalists) are causing problem among native indians in whole world. Only Indian National Congress and Al-qaeda  have solution for above two problems. Both are for world and hindutva.

Journalists & film directors ! Please close your pens & cameras if you can't make persons OF EITHER +ve OR -ve by their name. .

Today I ask journalists and film directors as to what will happen to their social psychology OF EITHER +ve hero OR -ve villain if m k gandhi didn't make it to earth for crucifixion. 

News & film art are voice perversion by broad social heart..

Both news and film art are perversion(high extreme) which will subside as social extreme. But voice(bhavam) by name make SENSE(spirit). At present,bhava daridram(immoral voice) is rampant in the form of honourables. 

Journalists & film directors need change as per mobile & internet technology.

People are boring. People are always interesting. But film directors & media journalists are not reaching their subjective truth towards making EITHER positive OR negative. What can their scripts-actors and editors can do? What can editors do if journalists are not consistent in their inconsistency? What can actors & scripts do if directors forget their purpose of making people EITHER positive OR negative? Both journalists & directors are making NUISANCE OF PURPOSE in their powerful media as IN-BETWEENS(objective-subjectives and subjective-objectives). Both enjoy socio-legal freedom & respect with no responsibility & purpose. Freedom means responsibility. Respect in field means serving social purpose. When knowledge(positive extreme) thieves are robbing,journalist dogs are just watching. When in-betweens are ruling society,film directors are just enjoying respect in cine field. Truth is against lie as simple of complex by complex for complex. Don...

Complexity is compulsion but not confusion.

Confusers must be confused. Remedy is in illness.Just apply it by voice within. Virtual world is social compulsion at 40%.

Film(system) should make in-betweens to think either positive or negative.

Story script and actors in characters both are successful. Only failures in society are film directors who can't think full-depth to exploit social exploitation towards making either negative or positive. 

Having name is for ultimate justice.

Those who culture people will be cultured at ultimate. Those who compose people will be composed at ultimate. Those who write people will be written at ultimate. Those who solve people will be solved at ultimate. Those who treat ill of people will be treated at ultimate. Those who instruct people will be instructed at ultimate. Those who inform people will be informed at ultimate. Those who lead people will be led at ultimate. THOSE WHO ENFORCE PEOPLE WILL BE ENFORCED AT ULTIMATE. Perversion is art. But nudism is crime. There is fine difference between art & crime. 

Search is salvation.Interest is drive.Induce interest.Otherwise teachers will be taught.

Walking(feet) & giving(voice-hand) are by RESPECTFULS(police). Seeing(believing other),taking(handing) & voicing(mouth) are by HONOURABLES(in-between immoral). Hearing(ears),thinking(sms) & eating(stomach) are by EXCELLENCIES(moral). Honourables are broad social hearts(ordinaries) who must be changed into narrow social hearts(uniques). Path is not goal.Path is path for goal. Both path & goal must be extreme. So hindu dharma became the best at next.   Courts are active now to make honourables as respectfuls. Those who are interested in voice politics must know history & adminstration procedures & practice principles. Those who are interested in seeing & taking must know that everyone is leader without voice application. People are not insane.But they appear insane to outsmart potential SECOND OFFENDERS IN SOCIAL FOUR PERSONS like sakshi media. Insane of insane is responsive. Gitacharya said:1)There is nothing useless in his world cre...