
Showing posts from August 5, 2012

RAMA THE PERSON IS VEDAM(voice-sense) which is neither voice nor sense to be talked about.

Telanganam is respect. Andhra is belief. We respect word-sense(bhava-udvegam) at first. After overcoming LEGAL(word-sense)(bhava-udvegam),people stay at VEDAM(voice-sense)(bhava-avesam) at next. Then LEGAL obeys VEDAM. 

VOICE-SENSE IS VEDAM which is neither voice nor sense to be talked about..

Legal research is devilish word-sense. Social research is divine voice-sense. Voice-sense is neither voice(bhavam) nor sense(hrudayam) to be talked about. Voice-sense is vedam. Voice-sense is sentiment.

Heroism is not comedy.

Hero-ism is mind-sense by overcoming mind-passion. Heroism brings pleasure. Comedy-ism is tragedy which brings sorrow.

Govt.means concert of 20 persons.

Indian police & USA govt. are relational-illegals who must change at first now. Doctors & teachers can change their hospital and school/college. Govt.means concert of 20 persons. AP state govt. now has to replace a rogyasri and professional educational fee reimbursement schemes with development of govt.hospitals and starting govt.professional colleges.

By overcoming mind-passion,we have to stay mind-sensibles.

If 32 govt.dept.heads and company CMDs give their name and their voice by their hand through email to public complaints,then their voice have LEGAL BINDING FOR CONSISTENCY AMONG SOCIAL FOUR.   Bureaucrats are directional criminals now caused by "relational criminals(indian police)". See how I am giving my name to my voice by my hand towards SOCIO-LEGAL BINDING FOR CONSISTENCY AMONG SOCIAL FOUR TO THEIR SOCIAL FOUR EACH?


32 govt dept heads and company CMDs need TALK WITH SENSE ABOUT SENSE. It is not only duty of VOICE(head of govt.) but also duty of SENSE(heads of 32 govt.depts and company CMDs) for BETTER over THE BEST SOCIETY.  

Immoral-legal and imperial

Imperial force is not immoral-legal like indian police & USA govt. Imperial force is good at first but bad at next. Imperial force is half-truth. Present struggle of police constables wives against APSP batallion commandant is struggle against immoral-legality.  INDIAN POLICE MEANS MORAL-LEGAL DUTY.