
Showing posts from May 5, 2012

Rating means subjectively objective.

Rating by stars is five/six levels. Film rating is by weekly collection charts among new releases in theatres. Audio rating is by trade charts. Critical rating is at first. Making hit is at next.

Russia! Think beyond.

Russia! Think beyond. Be moderate-extremists against extreme-extremists. Mind you that the most precious thing in world is human life & VOICE(heart of heart). Overcome provocation. Pl.respond. 

Aryan vedas are self-confidence-becoming-ego-to-be-truth everyday by 16 level full depth human hand & mind.

At present,self-confidence of brahmins & police became EGO. Obstacle for hindu dharma propagation in world is BRAHMIN & POLICE EGO. Brahmins & police are insane by thinking as personal . IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! SANATHANA HINDU DHARMA HAS NEVER BEEN IDOL WORSHIP,HUNDI BUSINESS,TEMPLE TRICKERY & RITUAL PRACTICES. Sanathana hindu dharma over 6000 yrs developed above illnesses in stead of THINKING BY OTHERWISE PROOF. Hindu scholars need now research historically,socially,scientifically on the basis that 1).DECEPTION OF DECEPTION WILL BE TRUTH. 2).AMBIGUITY OF AMBIGUITY WILL BE TRUTH. 3).EXPLOITATION OF EXPLOITATION WILL BE MESSAGE. Application of hindu thought is islam. Application of islamic thought will be sanathana hindu dharma naturally. So after argument(tharkam),discussion(jyotishyam) & social mandate(meemamsa) is REVISITING 4 VEDAS. VEDAS ARE VOICE(heart of heart) AT FIRST and HEART(voice of voice) AT NEXT. VEDAS SAY GOD EXISTS & DOESN...


Ecological balance MEANS 33% land  & 66% forests. But at present,environment is imbalance by 33% forests & 66% land. So social forestry & groundwater conservation need improve in geometric proportion over next 15 yrs by 2026 A.D. It is my call. Do you? 

Successful cinema formula:Both 1/8th and 3/16th fractions are voice-sense.

Both 1/8" & 3/16" are legal metrology before metric system. Only engineering & cinema work can't explained by VOICE alone. Hence engineering & cinema need HEART(voice of voice) by HAND & MIND. So only engineers & film makers can solve social ambiguity into truth at the end of part two by being socially ambiguous & imaginative.  

Vote(bhavam) is sacred than currency note.

Person & voice both are same at first. So think twice for HEART(voice of voice) AT NEXT. After argument in courtroom & discussion in classroom is PUBLIC MANDATE. Both indian communists & reactionaries are prone to historical political blunders naturally.

Primary & higher-secondary education are poor in india..

There are 8 academic levels. 1).Primary 2).Upper-primary 3).Secondary 4).Higher-secondary 5).Higher 6).Post-graduation 7).Research 8).Post-doctoral research Out of above OCTAL,primary & higher-secondary education need research in english grammar,numerical methods & biochemical reactions TO INCLUDE HEART(voice of voice) AT NEXT.

USA govt & every police in world should read this post for SENSE.

Police are not social. Police just appear as social. Social being is either positive or negative. Police are reactionary-antisocial-imperial dogs to human society. Enquiring is social 100%. Asking is personal 99.999%. There is 0.001% difference between social enquiring and personal asking Personal ASKING has finite limit at 99.999%. Social ENQUIRING is infinite 100%. One should be inter-personal LEVEL-HEADED to social enquire/personal ask/inter-personal earn by FACE-VOICE. Meaning PERSON @ NATIVE ADDRESS is person should not roam by his/her 1000 persons for groups of 1000.  Sense is that what one says mean it. POLICE ARE SENSELESS & INSANE LIKE PEOPLE. 

Let's solve tamas which starts at -ve 0.001 to end at -ve 100.

Present city/world only issue from 2012 antisocial(tamas) force within psyche at 99.999%. This antisocial force within psyche starts at 0.001% magnitude and passes through rest 99.999% magnitude IN NEGATIVE DIRECTION. We need make potential difference(from -ve 0.001 to -ve 100) into +ve current in next 15 years(5478 days) by 2026 A.D. Then whole city/district/world becomes native moral-legality as DYNAMICALLY-MODERATE(true high) by equal 6000 caste voices. TRUTH-EQUALITY-PEACE-LOVE is RIGHTEOUSNESS(mature law being harsh at first instance and grace at every next instance).     

Let's mean as humans by reaction-antisocial-imperial.

Everything is FACE-VOICE by NAME & HAND in city.

How is it?

Police are by both broad & narrow VOICE. I am either broad OR narrow VOICE in my blog. Yeah! I am BETTER over THE BEST judge. 

Let's nurture interest in stories FOR MORAL LEGALITY..

Story should GRIP audience of 1000. Story should MAINTAIN TEMPO. Story is science by moral,visual & psychological. Story should have LEGAL(artistic) TITLE. STORY WRITING IS FOR PUBLIC TO READ. Story writing & letter writing are different. Writer must be known for story. Reader must be known for letter. Title must be known for blog. 

Story moral is science.Story legality is art.

Story may be same.Its treatment may differ. Genius person & insane person differ at 99.999%. Story screenplay has 16 shades(8 brightness & 8 contrast). Screenplay takes climax as introduction for flashback. Screenplay should have comedy track as lighter vein for story seriousness. Dialogue writing is to build character in scene creation for audience of 1000 pairs of eyes & ears. Everybody FACE & VOICE in society is seen & heard by 1000 pairs of eyes & ears. So one's dialogues should have legal sense with NO COLLUSION & CONSPIRACY. Argument & discussion bring out legality. First part complexity(character) of second part complexity(twists & turns) is simple & sweet truth.