Showing posts from September 10, 2017
POET writes POEMS. Literary field throughout world is to run human society into moral-legality.
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Poor and poverty are different. Crime and criminal are different.
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MORAL POLICE IS NOT NEEDED IN PRESENT MATURE SOCIETY. Because m k Gandhi weaved "sensible complex subjectivity by social mindful voice" in Indian national congress so that all forms of sccio-economic,socio-legal and socio-psychological complexities "towards making people as simple,sweet and loving self-knowledgeables whose words are as useful to their self as much to their other/s. Gandhi ensured mind change among world.public "into believers in knowledge(litigancy)" from their "belief in law" FOR WORLD,STABILITY WITHOUT CRIME AND ILL. Actually if people are self-knowledge,crime will not committed even though people wish to commit crime. And illness will not come even though people want to have illness. Indian police and doctors must note.
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à°…à°¯్à°¯ా ! à°•à°³్à°¯ాà°£్ à°¦ిà°²ీà°ª్ à°¸ుంà°•à°° "à°—ాà°°ూ " ! à°µంà°—à°µీà°Ÿి à°°ంà°—ా "à°—ాà°°ు " à°…à°ª్పటి అపరిపక్à°µ సమాజముà°²ో ఉన్à°¨ à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°• -ఆర్à°§ిà°• ,à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°• - à°¨్à°¯ాà°¯ మరిà°¯ు à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°• -à°®ానసిà°• à°¸ంà°•్à°²ిà°·్à°Ÿà°¤ వలన à°•à°²ిà°—ే à°…à°¨ైà°¤ిà°• సక్రమత à°•ు à°µ్యతిà°°ేà°•à°®ుà°—ా à°‰ండవలసిà°¨ "à°®ోà°°à°²్ à°ªోà°²ీà°¸ు ". à°¤ెà°²ుà°¸ుà°•ోంà°¡ి ! à°®ోà°°à°²్ à°ªోà°²ీà°¸ు à°…à°¨ే à°µాà°¡ు à°°ౌà°¡ీ à°¨ే . à°•à°¨ుà°• à°µంà°—à°µీà°Ÿి à°®ోహన à°°ంà°—ా à°°ాà°µు "à°°ౌà°¡ీà°¨ే ". à°°ౌà°¡ీలను సమాజము à°¬్రతక à°¨ిà°µ్వదు . à°šంà°ªుà°¤ుంà°¦ి . సత్యము "à°šేà°¦ుà°—ా " à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి . "à°¤ీయగా " à°¨ిà°²ుà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి . à°…ంà°¤ే .
Definition of RULING or GOVERNANCE is making "self as self" at first and "self in other/s". Less law means more governance of all people into socio-legal morality. Just because Nara Chandrababu and narendra Modi who are social knowledge (which means that their words are useless to both self and other/s) are telling about good governance,they can't make people as "right and good" governed.My point is that both(fox mind and dog mind) can make antisocial mind among public self-eliminate by themselves. But both(Nara Chandrababu and narendra Modi) can not make people as self-knowledge which means words of people will be useful to both their self and their other/s.
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Any person in city/world sees city/world as four corners against his/her corner in city. That is "social being personal" which is the right and good. But right and good is not enough to politcal empowerment of self in society(knowledge). For political empowerment of self in knowledge,one should have litigant sense and inclusive voice. Litigancy says that there are,have to be and will be social four to their systemic four each. Inclusive voice says that one should include his adversaries(who are personal being social)(being DIVISIVE) so that being DIVISIVE get self-eliminated by themselves. Inclusive voice is order of Bhagavadgita to do jihad against being DIVISIVE "towards making self and other/s as PREVAILING as true DIVISIVE against all social ills and socio-psychological ills which has rootcause in ambiguity(infidelity)". ARE YOU FOLLOWING.ME ?
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SOCIAL MATURITY IS BEING DESCRIBED AS DEMOCRATIC MATURITY NOW. BUT IT IS WRONG. ANARCHIST(REACTIONARY) MATURITY IS REALLY APPEARING AS DEMOCRATIC MATURITY. à°µాà°ªు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి బలుà°ªుà°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి . à°…ంà°¤ à°®ాà°¤్à°°ాà°¨ à°µాà°ªు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి బలముà°—ా à°Žà°²ా à°¨ిà°²ుà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి ? -------- -------- --------
Find out sense in my selection of Hindi classic movies for public consumption.
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