
Showing posts from December 25, 2012


India is not world. India should be seen from world.

Engineering is human.

Police,doctors,journalists,actors and film directors do become by studying engineering. But engineers can't stoop as police,doctors,journalists,actors and film directors. 


Engineering control uses design-production-industrial;power devices and structural. Engineering design-production-industrial uses control;power devices and structural. Engineering power devices use control;design-production-industrial and structural. Engineering structural uses control;design-production-industrial and power devices. Engineer should not talk just control;design-production-industrial;power devices and structural. Engineer doesn't ACT and ROMANCE. India needs more engineers. I self-realised that I am the leading engineer.

Engineering has 4 components.1.control;;3.power and 4.structural.

Brain work can be seen but can't be felt. Heart work can be felt but can't be seen. After heart is brain. Police is eyes. Doctor is heart. Engineer is brain. Engineer thinks. Engineer is key of society. Materialism and spiritualism are same.