
Showing posts from July 6, 2013


My blog-posts will rule world people better than their govts.

Is it ok?

Self and social ignorance is not right. But knowledgeables should not ignore truth that knowledge comes out of first-time ignorance.

Four OF four BY four FOR four made both mind and voice truthful to self.

Equality(peace) is shortly. Email account made self-minding in system,sharing with social four to their system four each,replying about clarifications and forwarding back possible. So internet means email-account. After self-realisation is world equality. 

Others did speak my words.But my words are from my self-mind now.So my words now are powerful(truthful) to others.

Dual-centric power system in india is leading to ill and crime. So it must be replaced with uni-centric power. Dual-centric power is vestige of imperial society. If we are able to make case out of nadhuram godse execution order,then imperial ignorance come out. Then people will be happy and content with establishment without external opposition. And dual-centric power system will get replaced with uni-centric power system. TWO-BIRDS AT ONE SHOT. People will be happy at self.Govt.will be truthful. All faiths and minds will obey-believe social system naturally. Then peace(equality) with differential voice(money) stays.

Present imperial system will be nailed if nadhuram godse execution order is re-opened by RSS or hindu mahasabha.This work is important for BJP now than building ram temple.

Spiritually it is important to re-open nadhuram godse execution case as both m k gandhi and nadhuram godse are hindus. Spiritual is social now. Spiritual is air and sound. Spiritual is speaking language of matter. Here THE MATTER NOW is whether m k gandhi killing is right by nadhuram godse or nadhuram godse execution by govt is right. The matter is govt court files on nadhuram godse execution case. I hope that re-opening nadhuram godse execution case NAILS imperial ignorance forever. We should usher self and social knowledge world. Spiritually either m k gandhi killing may be right or nadhuram godse execution order may be right. WE SHOULD NOT BELIEVE LAW COURT ANYMORE. LAW NEED EXIST AT SELF.LAW SHOULD NOT DRAGGED INTO COURT. Present court system is by 16 notes. But social system is by 256 colours. So either m k gandhi self or nadhuram godse self may be right but not both now.

Morals are by self-name.

Morals change from good times to bad times to changing times. So films are time-dependent. Their morals may go but names stay as they didn't live what they say.

Just for voice(money) sake,don't be unmindful(unlawful).Whatever money you are supposed to have,you will have it.Follow path of truth being change.

If you are truthful to self,then you are powerful. So being truthful in social(spiritual) system makes self powerful leading to fearlessness of ill and crime. 

Parliamentarian means UPHOLDER OF SOCIAL(ecological) ORDER.Anna hazare! Parliamentarian should not face questions from outside parliament.

Mind(religion) should be separated from voice(politics). We should scrap existing mindless(lawless) minds(laws) by parliament.

What is the cause of crime?


This message applies to any part of the world.

Any land liberators   may be disintegrators of world unity. Liberators must have high ideal than others.    

Liberators may be disintegrators of world unity.So BE AND TAKE CAREFUL.

If any person want to be free from other,his ideal must be higher than other. On telangana issue,do telangana people have high ideal than seema-andhra people.   Liberators may be disintegrators of world unity.

We are on path without goal.

Fun is that we are studying medicine but we still have ills. Fun is that we are studying law but we still have crimes. Fun is that we are studying engineering but we still are not changing. Fun is that we are studying business but we still are not solving society into truthful(powerful). 


Govt must know that all moral-legal issues manifest by one or two issues. If it finds those one or two issues,then all moral-legal issues will be solved. Govt aim must be issue-less,ill-less and crime-less society.  

Just 66% marks

We all know a student should not be taught as a single person. A student need be taught among other 39 students. Marks are relative in class in that area for that academic year. Then how can a student get more than 66% marks? A student need get marks between 35% and 66%. So if a student is getting more than 66% marks,then teacher/s will be mafia(just social four) than truth(social four to their system four each). Govt and education dept both need take steps to solve mafia in teaching at first. Then other mafias will be solved.


I self-realised that I am the engineer. By being the engineer,I can be the leader.

No ill comes in a day.No word is powerful unless it is yours.

à°¨ీà°¦ి à°•ాà°¨ి à°®ాà°Ÿ à°Žంà°¤ à°µిà°²ుà°µైనదైà°¨ా à°…à°¦ి à°Žà°Ÿుà°µంà°Ÿి à°ª్à°°à°­ాà°µం à°®ెà°°ిà°¯ు శక్à°¤ి à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°¡à°¦ు . Word however it may be valuable will have no influence and power if it is not yours. à°°ోà°—à°®ునకు ఔషధము à°°ోà°—à°®ుà°²ోà°¨ే à°µుంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి à°µెతకంà°¡ి.  à°ª్à°°à°¶్à°¨ à°•ు సమాà°§ాà°¨ం à°ª్à°°à°¶్à°¨ à°²ోà°¨ే à°µుంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి .  సమస్à°¯ à°•ు పరిà°·్à°•ాà°°ం సమస్à°¯ à°²ోà°¨ే à°µుంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి .   Remedy to ill is in ill itself.Search. Answer to question is in question itself.Search. Solution to problem is in problem itself.Search.