
Showing posts from June 12, 2012

Social research means instructional,spiritual,commercial,moral and applied research

Research(philosophy) is every human social duty after evolving social psychology by self in class of 40 and admin of 1000. Research is neither intensive nor extensive.But it is balance of intensive self in extensive world. Research is concurrent,interchange and precise. Research area is mainly instructional(primary & higher-secondary level to induce & guide all 6000 caste voices),spiritual-agricultural(sense by 0.001%),commercial(funny tragedy),moral(innovation by bettering the best) and practical(song means lyrical rhythm by melodious beat).    

India today

Voice politics NEED SENSE(0.001%). Human sense at social four NEED VOICE(99.999%) as one-to-many(10) EXCEL by name for many(10)-to-many(10) ACCESS. I am self-respect in social.People-police just can't follow-respect me but they can obey-believe me. Those who are respected can't be believed. Those who are believed can't be respected.