
Showing posts from August 15, 2012

Voice word means having legal agreement with other.

'Head nod' is 2 types.1).cross and 2).straight. When a person voices word,other's straight head nod is legal agreement. When a person voices word,other's cross head nod is legal disagreement. Both inconsistent reactionary(satvam)(demon) forces and antispiritual(devil) forces are good at next. Both immoral-legal(social-insane)(tamas) forces and imperial(half-truthful)(rajas) forces are bad at next. ANTISPIRITUAL FORCES ARE MORE GOOD AT NEXT ABOVE INCONSISTENT(unstable words) AND SPIRITUALISTS(who lack quality). So after every night,there is day. DAY IS CHARACTER BUILD AS FIRST HALF. FIRST HALF MAY 'OVERLAP WITH' SECOND HALF LAST 2 or 3 QUARTERS. FIRST HALF IS DUAL(0 or 1) & CHARACTER BUILD.My introduction into this world is 11.26 AM which can be termed as 'END or MIDDLE' of character build. NIGHT IS QUALITY NURTURE AS SECOND HALF. SECOND HALF LAST QUARTER IS DIABOLICAL(extreme of extreme) & QUALITY NURTURE. SO WAKE UP FROM SLEEP ...

Bhava-avesam(mind-sense) stays after overcoming bhava-udvegam(mind-passion).

Hinduism must be DOWN to make christianity & islam OUT. Visalaandhra must be DOWN to make telangana separatism OUT. Israel must be DOWN to make PLO OUT.

I can tell about myself.I can't tell about yourself.WHO ARE YOU AMONG ALL 6000 CASTE MINDSETS ?

Investigation is WITHIN LEGAL system. Inconsistency is its social hindrance. Philosophy is AT MORAL social four. NONSENSE of nonsense by nonsense for nonsense IS SENSE. Insanity is its spiritual hindrance. 

Inconsistent brahmins are not what they are everyday.BUT I AM WHAT I AM.

From legal investigation comes moral philosophy. From legal philosophy comes moral investigation. Investigation doesn't believe in social four. Philosophy doesn't believe in consistency saying that consistency is brute's virtue. So I am consistent in my inconsistency. I AM WHAT I AM. Inconsistent reactionaries need not ask me again and again what I am doing as I need not answer INSANE(personal mad) and INCONSISTENT(in their consistency). Yes! I AM SOCIAL MAD(as hero,heroine,character artiste or villain).

Social order in inconsistency

A person is recognised by his work and social rank from august 2012 AD in 'CITY OF HERO(success)' and elsewhere in world. There will be total 6000 caste mindsets unlike past chaturvarna vyavastha.  This is social order in disorder(inconsistency).


A person speaks with another at first.That person words get discussed among social four at next for legal binding. Difference between INCONSISTENT and INSANE: INCONSISTENT(brahmins) doesn't believe in yesterday-today-tomorrow consistency. INSANE(police) doesn't believe in social four persons.  

Both point and person must be right in society.

It is not enough that the point is right among social four at first. The person from whom the point came must also be right among social four to their social four each at next.   


LOW IS HIGH AT NEXT. LOW MAY BE LOW AT FIRST(LAST) AND ULTIMATE. Inconsistent reactionaries must know above truth. Respect-believe truth. Around 6000 years ago,human civilisation definitions changed. Again human civilisation definitions are getting changed from august 2012 A.D. It is my social order and statement.