
Showing posts from February 6, 2016

How can Indian freedom fighters oppose both "person and his word of British King" ? Opposing person of British King is devilish. Indian freedom fighters may be right in opposing word of British King.


Word(name) has to stay.

1.Any crime can be solved through being 'good of good to good by good for good' by 'bad of bad to bad by bad for bad' to that crime. 2.Fundamental crime is being other in self. 3.Social(knowledge) is being among four to their social four each.

There can't be any attraction beyond 'attraction of attraction to attraction by attraction for attraction'. Those(businesspersons,policemen,adminstrators,mediapersons and lawyers) who are doing attraction must know that their ultimate by their appearing-knowledge is love.

There can't be any good beyond 'good of good to good by good for good'. Similarly there can't be any bad beyond 'bad of bad to bad by bad for bad'.

No three groups think alike for fourth group.

If there is corruption and extremism anywhere in world,it can solved by voicing among one group for other group by its other group.

Political power is by group of groups.

If any citizen by having leadership qualities want to be political leader,he/she must spend some 30 minutes everyday evening towards group politics.

As power politics have to duty of all which includes public(business) adminstration,corruption and extremism that exist in public(business) adminstration "naturally manifest" in power politics.

How can power politics have corruption(adamant-mind) and extremism(self-ignorance) ? 

Every two hours overlaps with next two hours and leaves with past two hours. Time measurement is by clock only.Time computation is by computer only.

Time movement has overlap with next and leave with past.

Your word can't be worst beyond "worst of worst to worst by worst for worst". Isn't it?

Political means governance. Adminstrative means govt depts and companies. -------- PAPERLESS DIGITALISED OFFICE WORK is needed only between two top levels. That means paperless digitalised office need be among those who are in govt and those who are in top level govt depts.

For sake of history book/s,any person's thought(word) can be explained in four words.

à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°’à°•్à°•à°°ి à°®ాà°Ÿ (ఆలోà°šà°¨ ) à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°¨ాà°²ుà°—ు à°®ాటలలో à°šెà°ª్పవచ్à°šు . ఉదాహరణకు à°²ేà°Ÿు . à°¨ందమూà°°ి à°¤ాà°°à°• à°°ాà°®ా à°°ాà°µు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°¨ాà°²ుà°—ు à°®ాటలలో à°¨ేà°¨ు à°šెà°ªుà°¤ాà°¨ు . 1. మహా నటుà°¡ు 2. à°¦ుà°°à°¹ంà°•ాà°°ి  3. తనలో ఇతరుà°² à°®ాà°Ÿ (ఆలోà°šà°¨ ) à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే à°•à°²ిà°—ిà°¨ à°¸ాà°®ాà°œిà°• (à°®ానసిà°• ) à°¨ేà°°à°—ాà°¡ు . 4.  à°œ్à°žాà°¨ి à°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªింà°šే à°µాà°¡ు .

Agricultural education must conform to global standards: Pranab

Agricultural education must conform to global standards: Pranab : President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday said India has only three per cent of the world’s land resources and five per cent of water resources, yet, Indian agriculture system supports 18 per cent of the

If one can't be singer,he/she can be dubbing artist.


This gesture can't satisfy muslims in USA.


Defamation cases against media is needed.


Music has no language barrier.
