
Showing posts from June 13, 2011

moral uplift ( uddharana) is by discipline & idealism

ELITISM IS AFTER CRITICISM. CRITICISM DIES BY DISCIPLINE OF WORD & THOUGHT. Subject & its spiritual guide are subordinates to discipline of word & thought. 14 yrs exile gives full depth,patience & thoughtful heart of public.

D I S C I P L I N E D THOUGHTS & WORDS are to overcome C R I T I C A L moment / phase

MILITARY mind (word) discipline & heart (thought) discipline overcomes life CRITICAL moment / phase without heavy effort. Human being is by discipline of word & thought.

Hrudayam - manas

Hrudayam has aalochana. Manas has vaakkulu. Balance thoughts,words & actions. Balance mind. Depth,patience & thoughtful heart are required in social system. Unlawfuls talking my good & lawful NAME was unlawful. Lawful being (like ME) TALKING GREAT & UNLAWFUL NAMES(PM,CMs & maoists) is unlawful. Lawful being is 15% HARSH at FIRST instance & 85% MERCY at EVERY NEXT instance. If today exists for yesterday,tomorrow also exists for today.