Showing posts from January 12, 2017
So story writing is not that much difficult. Just characters,scenes and dialogues are needed to be connected with social mind.
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So believe in fourth person word which is social.
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à°®ొదటి à°µేà°¯ి à°®ంà°¦ి à°²ో ఉన్à°¨ à°…à°œ్à°žానము (à°¤ీà°µ్à°°à°µాదము ),à°…à°µిà°¨ీà°¤ి (à°•ుà°³్à°³ు à°®ానసిà°•à°¤ ) మరిà°¯ు à°®ానసిà°• à°µ్à°¯à°ిà°šాà°°à°®ు à°¨ు à°°ెంà°¡à°µ à°µేà°¯ిà°®ంà°¦ి à°…à°œ్à°žానము ,à°…à°µిà°¨ీà°¤ి మరిà°¯ు à°®ానసిà°• à°µ్à°¯à°ిà°šాà°°à°®ు సహించవచ్à°šు . à°…à°²ాà°—ే à°°ెంà°¡à°µ à°µేà°¯ి à°®ంà°¦ి à°…à°œ్à°žానము ,à°…à°µిà°¨ీà°¤ి మరిà°¯ు à°®ానసిà°• à°µ్à°¯à°ిà°šాà°°à°®ు à°¨ు à°®ూà°¡à°µ à°µేà°¯ి à°®ంà°¦ి à°…à°œ్à°žానము ,à°…à°µిà°¨ీà°¤ి మరిà°¯ు à°®ానసిà°• à°µ్à°¯à°ిà°šాà°°à°®ు సహించవచ్à°šు . à°…à°¯ిà°¤ే à°¨ాà°²ుà°—à°µ à°µేà°¯ి à°®ంà°¦ి à°ˆ à°®ూà°¡ు à°µేà°¯ి à°®ంà°¦ి à°…à°œ్à°žానము ,à°…à°µిà°¨ీà°¤ి మరిà°¯ు à°®ానసిà°• à°µ్à°¯à°ిà°šాà°°à°®ు à°¨ు à°Žà°²ా సహించగలరు ?
Yes ! One has to be thief with thief. Otherwise it will be real theft.
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Favouritism is not to make self as inconsistent against adverse questions. Favouritism is to make self as moral by limiting their favouritism only unto buying and watching favourite actor film ticket". If fans start showing their favouritism before their favourite actor in real life,then it will be irritation to that favourite actor. Because it is lack of knowledge and balance of mind between reality and imagination. Isn't it ?
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నటుà°²ు అనగా ఆత్à°® (à°¹ృదయ )(ఆలోà°šà°¨ )(à°ªేà°°ు ) à°µంà°šà°¨ à°¨ు à°µృà°¤్à°¤ిà°—ా à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ి à°œీà°µిà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ à°µాà°°ు à°…à°¨ి à°…à°°్ధము . నటుà°²ు à°¨ిà°œ à°œీà°µితముà°²ో తమ à°…à°ిà°®ాà°¨ుà°² ఆత్à°® à°µంà°šà°¨ à°¨ు à°Žà°²ా సహించగలరు ?
So media kills other/s at first and gets killed by other/s at next.
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Vangaveeti film is being killer to killer.
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à°°ౌà°¡ీ à°¤ో అతని à°°ౌà°¡ితనముà°¤ో à°°ౌà°¡ీà°—ా à°‰ంà°¡à°•à°ªోవటము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి "à°¨ిజమైà°¨ à°°ౌà°¡ీతనము ". à°¦ొంà°—à°¤ో అతని à°¦ొంగతనముà°¤ో à°¦ొంà°—à°—ా à°‰ంà°¡à°•à°ªోవటము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి "à°¨ిజమైà°¨ à°¦ొంగతనము ". à°¹ంతకుà°¡ిà°¤ో అతని à°¹ంతకత్వముà°¤ో à°¹ంతకుà°¡ిà°—ా à°‰ంà°¡à°•à°ªోవటము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి "à°¨ిజమైà°¨ హత్à°¯ ".
Camera brilliance is that it may self-deceive itself but certainly not other/s.
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System always has evil. But one should learn how to avoid system evil into self. It is possible only through "being evil to evil" while being good to good. You have to good to yourself and other/s. Otherwise you will be made so by other/s at next.
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ఇక à°µ్యవస్థలో à°¡à°¬్à°¬ు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°šెà°ªుà°¤ాà°¨ు . à°¡à°¬్à°¬ు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి తనకు à°¤ాà°¨ు à°—ొà°ª్పది à°•ాà°²ేà°¦ు à°Žà°¨్నటిà°•ీ . à°¡à°¬్à°¬ుà°•ు à°µ్యక్à°¤ి à°ªేà°°ు (à°®ాà°Ÿ )(ఆలోà°šà°¨ )(à°¹ృదయము ) à°¤ోà°¡à°¯ిà°¤ేà°¨ే à°¡à°¬్à°¬ు à°¡à°¬్à°¬ుà°—ా à°¨ిà°²ుà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి . à°…ంà°¦ుà°šేà°¤ à°¡à°¬్à°¬ు à°²ాà°µాà°¦ేà°µీ à°•ి à°¬్à°¯ాంà°•ు à°¡ిà°œిà°Ÿà°²ైà°œేà°·à°¨్ à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి తప్పని సరి . à°¦ాà°¨ి వలన à°µ్యక్à°¤ి à°•ొà°¨ుà°—ోà°²ు మరిà°¯ు à°…à°®్మకము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి తనకు తన à°—ుà°°ింà°šి ఇతరుà°² వలన సక్రమత à°•à°²ుà°—ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి .
So those who believe in dog-faith should shut up their mouths.
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ఇక à°µిà°¶్à°µాసము à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°šెà°ªుà°¤ాà°¨ు . à°•ుà°•్à°• à°µిà°¶్à°µాసము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°µ్యక్à°¤ిà°—à°¤ à°¸్à°µాà°°్à°§ à°µిà°¶్à°µాసము . ------ à°…à°¯ిà°¤ే మనిà°·ిà°•ి తన à°®ీà°¦ తనకు తనలో à°µిà°¶్à°µాసము à°‰ంà°¡ాà°²ి . à°…à°¦ి ఇతరుà°² వలన à°•à°²ుà°—à°¦ు . ఇతరుà°² à°®ాà°Ÿ వలన à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే à°•à°²ుà°—ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి .
We ignored half of the world which is feminism. So extremism,rotten-mindset and ambiguity existed.
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We should not ignore elderly women expertise in domestic affairs.
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Socialism failed whereas social humanism succeeded because it has no concern and regard for mind(law)(person)(being). True socialism is prevailance by being imperial. Pl.note this,
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In fact z plus security has become nuisance to public. Because when you can't give security for yourself by yourself,how can you give security to public ? Pl.note that one can give what he/she possesses. And one talks much about thing which he/she didn't possess. Isn't it ?
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Good quality means being bad with bad while being good.
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