
Showing posts from November 6, 2015

I wish everyone to be better explorer about others.


Marriage should be simple. Grand marriages can't stay as grand.


Nice pair! Marriage is the first and the greatest institution of mankind.


Hit is needed in Telugu film industry.Performance is needed in Tamil film industry. Culture is needed in Hindi film industry. Newcomers and existing cine people must remember always this.


Understanding Islam(bent-mind) is not an easy task by Hindus.

It takes two to be truly straight. 

Anyhow Indian fascists are at elimination of Indian judiciary and Indian police because of their tug-of-war with Indian insurgents "by" Indian democrats..

à°µాదనను à°œీà°µితముà°—ా à°Žంà°šుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°¨్à°¯ాయవాà°¦ి తప్పక à°ˆ à°µిà°¡ిà°¯ో à°¨ు à°šూà°¸ి à°¨్à°¯ాయముà°•ు à°¨ీà°¤ి à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°Žంà°¤ à°µిà°§ి à°—ా à°‰ంà°¡ాà°²ో à°—్à°°à°¹ింà°šాà°²ి .  à°…à°µుà°¨ు ! à°¨ిజముà°•ు ఎవరి à°…à°­ిà°ª్à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ు à°µాà°°ు à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ండవచ్à°šు à°—ాà°¨ి à°•à°²్పనకు ఎవరి à°…à°­ిà°ª్à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ు à°µాà°°ు   à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°¡à°°ాà°¦ు-à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°¡à°°ు -à°Žà°²ా à°•à°²ిà°—ి à°‰ంà°Ÿాà°°ు ? 

I like social(mind) problems as they give good mind strength after they are solved. Indian police like social(mind) solutions as Indian police are themselves primary party in creating social(mind) problems as Indian police are ignorant of their self-nature. Anyhow 'self-evidence' among Indian police reveals about themselves.


Between the-worst(best)of-the-worst(best) and excessive-knowledge is INC RAMACHANDRA by enough-knowledge(or just-knowledge) through seeking(or facilitating) enough argument in society.

By appearing two(diverse) is to be one. Between antisocial-social business administrator and true-social leadership is appearing-social police.

India(society) is yet to become mature NATIONAL(inclusive)(spherical) knowledgeable.


Being top of(to) top is abstract. Being top of top to top is litigant.


Indian "Shauryam" is,has to be and will be "Laukyam".
