
Showing posts from February 15, 2012

4th & 6th are needed to be powerful.

Out of every 6 messages,only 4th message & 6th message are needed to be powerful. Out of every 6 calls,only 4th call & 6th call are needed to be powerful.

Only last 1/12th part has got mind deviation.

Social sciences & political science got deviation only at last 1/12th part(climax) for success in truth forever. So students(learner self) as mature socials need be mature in their personal for 20 years after studies towards complete character build/change. It is the social research of indian national congress towards character build/change from imperialist forces within to humanist forces within. Indian national congress is built as party of sacrifices over 40 yrs by m k gandhi. Only winners can rule.INC will be winner in first two successive elections in every three elections. Indian national congress is united independents party with unity in diverse groups. Opposition parties are diverse in their unity. Students need have knowledge like ocean depth,patience like earth and soul like public heart to be sensible. Soul is reverse elite.INC has soul party. India is young now.So students need research indian national congress which brought indian politica...

All human relationships are economic relations.Present relations are immoral.

Vyakti(person),maata(voice) & samajam(FACE/OFF) are inter-personal,personal & social planes of self within. After satisfying above three planes only,relationships matter for humans. Relationships became immoral. Engineer brings value to maata(voice) & chetha(hand) of labour(tamas) BY WISDOM. Doctor gives value to life of human BY INTELLIGENCE. So 1)doctors now need include self(social mind). 2)Engineering studies need include bio-chemistry. 3)Then police will become both doctors & engineers.

Let's avoid legal & medical cases by knowing 5 mind levels of personal mind(vruthi) & social mind(pravruthi)!

1)Let's avoid legal cases by near-identical antisocial mindsets(by self thoughts,after thoughts,other thoughts & beyond thoughts).Police file both sides cases to resolve conflicts of interest by avoiding law & order problem. Social is from courtroom brilliance by 20 trials. 2)Let's avoid medical cases by doctors. Health is wealth. 

let's be googler.

Do you know that I prefer google to microsoft? Google colours are sensible. G is blue which calms,soothes & relaxes. o is red which means change. o is yellow which means knowledge. g is blue again. l is green which means food for thought. e is red again.