
Showing posts from July 2, 2012

Truth is by stability.

Relational & directional issues are solved only AT NEXT. So be secular(invite all dharma) at first and religious(perform one's dharma) at next. 

Instruction must be in native language upto 5th std.

Sakti(force) means clarity(straight-cross-curve) OF thought discipline BY non-linearity FOR sense(0.001). To improve EARNING(deserving) FOR MORE by ASKING FOR ENOUGH,develop clarity at self,thought discipline at personal,non-linearity at psychological and sense(0.001) at social. Ingrain humility,complex twice,relation and direction in self. Indians need instruction in native language upto 5th std.  Amma(mother):relation Aavu(cow):soft Illu(self):sacred Eswar(god):spiritual 99.999% being perfect Indians need reject instruction in english upto 5th std. A for apple. B for bat. C for cat. D for dog.

Complex(OF) two times bring simple truth.

From deception & myth comes real truth. Real truth is seeing,thinking & voicing same simultaneously.