
Showing posts from November 14, 2015

This is very important blogpost to all those who wish to be aware about "moral thinking" in those past immoral-days of free indian democratic governance. Like Chegondi Harirama jogaiah,all ex-lawmakers need become "political analysts" by writing their autobiographies.


In mature social democratic system,moral ethic "justice delayed/hurried is justice denied" is "also" applicable in social(govt) matters alongwith legal(moral) matters.

Indian politics are undergoing drastic change from immoral-legality to moral-legality now. In this regard,I wish to throw some light on "parliamentary form of democratic governance". CHIEF MINISTER AND PRIME MINISTER ARE BOTH HEADS OF GOVERNMENT. --------------------------- AND CHIEF MINISTER AND PRIME MINISTER ARE BOTH HEADS OF LEGISLATIVE/PARLIAMENTARY PARTY as well. So CM and PM must note that their police intelligence dept should not put vigil on MLAs/MPs activities. Because "blind-faith" to party for 5 years is equally dangerous as "defection" to party. And an MLA/MP is also entitled to "freedom of expression about govt policies malfunction" and "change of party if not redressed by ruling party govt".

Purpose of having FACE in society(knowledge) is to speak words from mouth by his own eyes for other's ears.

మనిà°·ిà°•ి à°ªేà°°ు ,శరీà°°à°®ు ,à°­ాà°µ à°µ్యక్à°¤ీà°•à°°à°£ మరిà°¯ు ఆలోà°šà°¨ à°Žంà°¤ తప్పనిసరిà°—ా à°‰ంà°¡ాà°²ో à°¹ాà°¸్యము, à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ మరిà°¯ు à°ª్à°°à°¶్à°¨ à°…ంà°¤ే తప్పనిసరి . 

Vice-chancellor belongs to world. Chancellor(governor) belongs to indis(minuscule world).

Vice-chancellor of city university is "professor to professors". In mature social democratic system,chancellor(governor) must also obey vice-chancellors. So city police commissioners and district police superindents MUST BE CONCURRENT with city vice-chancellors.

Sentence is sensible word.Word appears as sensible word.

Web page reloading is like personal computer restarting. పదముà°¨ు à°—ౌà°°à°µిà°¸్à°¤ూ  à°µాà°•్యముà°¨ు నమ్à°®ాà°²ి . ఇది à°¨ా "à°† .......".

So both business-administrators and consumer-public MUST NEED. BE responsible in their tweeting as it affects both because system is cyclic-reciprocative.

Tweeting by consumer public is also supposed to affect tweeting by business-administrators AND VICE-VERSA.

So those who are administering others by their name/s feel that those who are in politics are cheap.

Politics is balancing both 'being as not' and 'being as being'. 

At present,all are children to me.






Sadness in woods means fun in society.


Skit means one person comedy.


Fun bucket needs mug.


Fun bucket


As world is getting sense,India is becoming mindful.


If you are knowing more and more about other,you are knowing more about yourself. If you are not believing other by just believing in yourself,you are incomplete in your belief. Hindu scholars and Islamic scholars must sit together and discuss about devil existence among humans.

As I (being the hindu) am learning about inside Islam and its history in world,I am enriching my faith in Hinduism.

Life may have comedy.But life itself should not become comedy.REALITY IS NOT COMEDY.

à°¦ూà°°à°ªు నవ్à°µుà°²ు ఎవరిà°•ీ à°…à°°్à°§ం à°•ాà°µు . 

Mature mind means one who has personal judgement about people and things.

Being public judge(system) TO public judge(system) will give personal judgement. 

How can one believe in person without believing in his heart(word) ?

If Hindus want to be true Hindu subjects,they must believe in "sensible mindful voice" of islam and Christianity. 

Mecca is centre of earth.Believe in centre.


There is "immorality in morality" and "morality in immorality".So be reverse to reverse.

My word is truth. Truth travels slowly,strongly and deeply. Deception travels fast,weak and wide.

Devil is within both Islam and Hinduism/Jews/Christianity. So jihad(kurukshetram) is compulsory against conspirators(subdued characters). Provoke subdued characters by appearing as subdued character. This is my order.

Because devil(Satan)(demon)(evil) exists within deep in both Islam and Hinduism,both Hindus and Muslims must need balance both religions one after the other everyday.



Indians must read more in-depth about Islam.If you want to know in-depth about hinduism,you "must" know in-depth about Islam.,This applies only to hindus.


Making other to express self-word without agreeing that word is his own is "criminal".

తన à°šెà°ª్పదలచుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ à°®ాà°Ÿ "à°¤ాà°¨ు à°šెà°ª్పకుంà°¡ా" à°¤ోà°Ÿి à°µాà°¡ిà°¤ో పలిà°•ింà°šà°¡à°®ు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి " à°•ుà°Ÿ్à°° " à°…ంà°Ÿాà°°ు . à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ాలలో à°•ూà°¡ా à°…à°¦ి à°¨ిà°·ేà°§ింà°šాà°²ి . తన à°ªాà°¤్à°° à°¤ాà°¨ు పలుà°•à°•ుంà°¡ా à°¤ోà°Ÿి à°µాà°¡ు పలిà°•ిà°¤ే "à°¤ోà°Ÿి à°µాà°¡ి à°ªాà°¤్à°°" à°¨ేà°°à°®ు à°•à°¦ా !