
Showing posts from July 4, 2016

Srilankan police need be made efficient as Indian police.


Dhaka attack by ISIS clearly reveals that Islamic terrorists are nothing to do with Islam. Islamic terrorists throughout world are just using their religion Islam which teaches truth,peace and unity.


Many more shows like this need be telecast towards Indian woman total social liberation.


Politcs is modern age evolution but appears as pre-modern age imperial mind social-system. Politcs is by name(sense). As there is no sense prevailance till end of World War Two,how can pre-world war two social system be called Politcs ?

Soldier duty is being graceful which is to create fear and valour among other/s. Unfrotunately soldier duty is made as being fearful which is to create grace and valour among other/s. à°¤ిà°²ా à°ªాà°ªం à°¤ిà°²ా à°—à°°ిà°Ÿెà°¡ు . .....

Solution to TDP dictatorship and YCP anarchy lies in believing in true-social democracy which is defined as "being imperial to imperial". How can UPA "imperial" govt be alienated by TDP dictators and YCP anarchists supposing that both TDP and YCP are against Indian national congress ? UPA govt is not Indian national congress but by it. Pl.note.


Beauty(value) is not in it but how you look at it. Isn't it ?


That is what is happening to temples in vijayawada one town area. Places of devotion should not become places of blind belief.

What is this nuisance of temples and transgenders in society ? Any goodness should not be stooped into getting used by users. If it is so,using users of users will be natural later.

Govt(God)(fear) doesn't make people as fearful. But people need be graceful to make other/s as fearful and valour. Truth which stays as STABLE MIND AND PEOPLE is simple,sweet and better over the best of the best. Better world is coming soon. Enjoy better world than present rotten mind world.


Morality is law at the ultimate which is the law of the law "against crime".

Morality rule is 2(2*1/3 + 1/3) = 2  or 2*1/3(2*2/3 + 2/3) + 2/3 = 2. That means 2(3*4) =24 for 1 which is STANDARD LAW.

Saraswathi means being right while being wrong with wrong.

à°®ిà°¡ి à°®ిà°¡ి à°œ్à°žానము à°•à°²ిà°—ిà°¨ à°µాà°°ు మరిà°¯ు à°µాà°°ి (à°µ్à°¯ాà°ªాà°° ) à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీà°²ు "à°°ాజకీà°¯ à°­ాà°µ à°µ్యక్à°¤ీà°•à°°à°£ " à°šేà°¸ి /à°šేà°¸్à°¤ూ /à°šేయబోà°¤ూ తమ à°µృà°¤్à°¤ి à°µ్à°¯ాà°ªాà°°à°®ులలో à°¨ైà°¤ిà°•à°¤ à°¨ు à°Žà°²ా à°¨ిలబెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿుà°•ోగలరు ? à°¨ిజమైà°¨ à°œ్à°žానము à°•à°²ిà°—ిà°¨ à°µాà°°ు మరిà°¯ు à°¨ా à°¸్à°µంతము à°…à°¯ిà°¨ à°­ాà°°à°¤ à°œాà°¤ీà°¯ à°•ాంà°—్à°°ెà°¸ు "à°°ాజకీà°¯ à°­ాà°µ à°µ్యక్à°¤ీà°•à°°à°£ " à°šేయకపోà°¤ే తమ à°µిà°§ి à°¤ాà°®ు సక్à°°à°®-à°¨ైà°¤ిà°•à°¤ à°¤ో à°¨ిà°°్వర్à°¤ించనట్à°²ు à°—ా à°²ెà°•్à°• . 

Because true-mind and its society believes in prevailance of life after death as every human knows every human birth has its natural physical death. Only mediocre minds and their society believe in "eye for an eye and tooth for tooth" as mediocre minds and their society can't foresee "beyond information" which means "information of information" against information will be "truth". SOCIETY STAYS ON TRUTH(which meets mind by respecting eyes and ears) BUT NOT ON INFORMATION(which meets eyes and ears only). Indian national congress is sensible in its sense while it is always doing its duty of provoking provocators on daily basis with past continuity".

"à°•ీ .à°¶ే . " à°µంà°—à°µీà°Ÿి à°®ోహన à°°ంà°—ాà°°ాà°µు ! à°•ంà°Ÿిà°•ి à°•à°¨్à°¨ు మరిà°¯ు à°ªంà°Ÿిà°•ి పన్à°¨ు à°¸ిà°¦్à°§ాంతము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°¸ిà°¦్à°§ాంతముà°—ా à°®ిà°—ిà°²ిà°ªోà°µాà°²ి à°•ాà°¨ీ à°µేà°¦ాంతము à°•ాà°°ాà°¦ు -à°•ాà°²ేà°¦ు -à°Žà°²ా à°•ాగలదు ?

Lasantha Wickrematunge ! A killer is not supposed to kill his adversary(in your case it is govt) both in life and death.Lasantha ! I like sweet revenge which means mahinda Rajapaksa is having "second coming" soon. Human DIGNITY means BEING what is saying. Indian national congress "ENSURED" its ideology so that ROTTEN MINDED SOCIETY IS TO BECOME ROTTEN MINDED AGAIN TO BE CLEAN MINDED SOCIETY. Sense is,has to be and will be made sensible again at the end of part two.

Complex-adversity is THE problem. Being complex-adversity TO complex-adversity solves THE problem. ----------------- WRONGFUL-MIND CRIME PREVAILS AS CRIMINAL "as society matures". LAWFUL'S MIND CRIME PREVAILS AS LAWFUL "as society matures". So thieves will get thieved.And complex-adverse underworld Mafia will get their underworld again.And killers will get killed like "Lasantha wickrematunge in srilanka". ------------------ Footnote: Both introverts and extroverts vanish "as society matures". -------------------