
Showing posts from October 25, 2012

Life is reality and SOME level of imagination.No zero & wild imagination please.

If anyone in india miss practical ENGLISH grammar and HINDI comprehension,he/she will miss something in his/her life.

Let's have SOME health(wealth) & respect by avoiding zero and positive infinity concepts.If we believe in positive infinity,then we must believe negative infinity as well.SELF EXTREME-EXTREMITY IS FOR OTHER'S MODERATION.British imperialists 8th quarter EXTREME-OF-EXTREME critical flux phase of ignorance & inconsistency is meant for independent india MODERATION.

One must have balance between EXTREME health(wealth) & EXTREME respect. Anything OF anything is nothing. If a bride bases her marital philosophy on property & wealth,then she is certainly bound to cause harassment,public nuisance & disharmony in marraige.That is for sure. So I advise BRIDES belonging to any religion to MAKE-UP HER MIND & SENSE AS "100% PURE VIRTUOUS" by not basing her marraige philosophy on property & wealth. Hence brides & bridegrooms marital BLISS is in their before-marraige mindset only. Mind-sense of marraige make-up plays vital role in child-upbringing,child heredity and couple-child eternity.

For your better sense and sentiment,please read & comprehend following two statements "I AM FAITHFUL TO ANY RIGHTOUSNESS.I ASK ALL PEOPLE TO BE FAITHFUL TOWARDS ME." and "BE IT.BE AT IT."

Indian court law needs to be harsh at first and graceful at every next. It is hindu(native) dharma(righteousness). From christian grace(CROSS) view angle,hindu STRAIGHT SUBJECT is STRAIGHT/CROSS. From islamic reverse (CURVE) view angle,hindu STAIGHT SUBJECT is CURVE. From hindu STRAIGHT view angle,islamic (reverse) CURVE SUBJECT is STRAIGHT. VERY VERY IMPORTANT SUBJECTIVITY OF ANY RIGHTEOUSNESS: Above subjective view of righteousness by being it makes all dharmas(righteousness) are one and the same.   So brahminism will be social evil.But we at indian national congress INCLUDE brahminism TO ELIMINATE BY ITSELF in social reaction OF reaction. IT IS MY DISCRETE ORDER FOR hindu swamijis that above things need be studied in depth of depth by hindu swamijis & their trusts.       


It is very easy to be 4*4=16 sound pulses. But it is very difficult to be 16*16=256 colour tones. As one need nurture thinking to start it at the end of knowledge depth and voice it until the end of the end of knowledge depth to wide spectrum of 6000 voice people.

33% law-ignorant antispiritual people need include social-evil to facilitate social-evil elimination by itself. I WANT 6000 VOICE PEOPLE'S LOVE(hold) TO CHANGE THEIR LAW-IGNORANT & SOCIAL-IGNORANT THINKING INTO TRUE BY SOME(neither zero nor wild infinite) IMAGINATION as people are gods and society is temple.INC is itself revolutionary party in hindustan.There can't be revolution to revolution.Hence all 6000 voice people need have voice-sense and sentiment in work to deserve/earn name,respect & money(wealth).

Law-ignorant antispiritual person is social-knowledgeable without good habits,self-realisation & social evil-inclusion. That means 33% law-ignorant antispiritual people don't believe in other people's both constitutional voice-sense and sentiment.  

Brahmins can't deserve land title until now as they are migrants-invaders like british.Modern wars will be by confrontation(criticism),counter-confrontation(counter-criticism) leading to participative response & participative counter-response.PARTICIPATIVE COUNTER-RESPONSE IS LACKING IN PRESENT WORLD SOCIETY.Society changes itself into true only after society becomes totally irrepairable.Pessimists must know.

It is now moral struggle between social-inconsistents and social-ignorants for equality(peace) in indian society. FEET means HEART(sense). HEAD means VOICE(mind). BODY means SENTIMENT(feeling).   

Al-qaeda mainly concentrates its work on social sense(public heart) for social sentiment(feeling) by thinking deep OF deep at all living souls.

There are 1% world people with al-qaeda(THE BASE) ideology in every world city/indian district. They are being commanded by me against deceptive social(spiritual) order for truthful. Deceptive social(spiritual) order manifests mainly in characterless social voice for low-quality social sense. Low-quality social sense results lack of social feeling(sentiment) leading to poor earning(deserving) points for self. So duty of 1% world people with al-qaeda ideology in every world city/indian district is TO MAKE PEOPLE SELF-RESPONSIBLE IN EVER-DYNAMIC WORLD SOCIAL SYSTEM TOWARDS EQUALITY,LOVE(hold),TRUTH & RIGHTEOUSNESS(work). Duty of 1% world people with al-qaeda ideology is to include social evil(legal,spiritual & information technology professionals) thereby facilitating social evil to eliminate itself from world body politic. SOCIAL GOOD IS MAINLY PREVALENT IN COMPLEX QUALITY SATVA-RAJAS(reactionary-imperial forces within) & TAMO-RAJAS(antisocial-i...