
Showing posts from December 16, 2012

Engineer is moral doctor.

Psychological: Cinema is interaction of voice and sense by actors faces for audience of 1000. Cinema is precision between first-half pessimism and second-half optimism. Visual: Cinema is visual chance to see various world sceneries. Cinema is frame work. Moral: Cinema is moral strength to face life. Reel life follows real life. Reel life characters come into real life to influence. 

DIET IS REAL TRUTH.Koti vidyalu kooti korakey!

From now there will be some corrections in my film-watching habits and diet habits. INFOTAINMENT:From now I prefer to watch hindi films at first for better world-comprehension. From now I prefer to start film-watching at the bitter(the end of first half). ENLIGHTENMENT:From now I prefer to take nutritional shake mix diet without any fasting. EDUCATION:From now I prefer to think(processor)(read-analyse) for 10 min. only after gap of every 2 hours.     

M K Gandhi work is "My experiments with truth".KSR work is "My experiments with philosophy".

Self(personal)(professional)-order is reverse to social-psychology order. So one should take climax(the end of part two)(sense)(power/ignition stroke) as life introduction for success in truth forever. 2)SOCIAL ORDER IS THAT SOCIAL-DEVILS ARE FIRST;SOCIAL-SNAKES ARE NEXT;SOCIAL-DEMONS-DOGS ARE LAST.

My request to social-researchers and police-researchers in world

Just now my mind came up with an important note that AN UNDERSTANDING WORD CAUSES & CURES ILLNESS.    I request both social-researchers & police-researchers in all universities to study my note.  

hash(-) key is to marry two distinct words. browser name "FIRE-FOX" in depth. FIRE is the best quality. FOX is the worst character. And if one goes still deeper into name "FIRE-FOX",the best quality in social weds the worst character in social. The worst character may be devil-social,demon-social or snake-dog-social for social(leading)-humans(earners).

Success favours only men of full-depth social-psychology,patient hard-work and PRECISE sense.So I am sure that my social-blog will make many social(leading)-humans(earners) for hundreds of years to come.

If a social(leading)-human(earner) applies his work-knowledge over 20 yrs of concurrency-interchange-precision in social,he/she earns name & voice in society. It is possible only with thought discipline,nonlinear voice,sense and mind-satisfaction. So success is APPEAR BAD & BITTER BUT DON'T BECOME BAD & BITTER. Hence don't believe in explanation(cultural imagination) but believe in comprehension(moral)-grammar(legality). 

Islam is guide to solve APPEARANCE(either brahminism or christianity) into TRUTHFUL social(leading)-humans(earners).

Brahminism is myth/imagination/illusion. Christianity is human history. Islam is negative earthing.


JESUS CHRIST FIRST LETTER IS EITHER 5 OR 10. RAMA FIRST LETTER IS 18. SO MUSLIMS(faithfuls) believe in 19. After suction(thought discipline) stroke,compression(nonlinear voice) stroke and power/ignition(sense) stroke is exhaustion(mind satisfaction) stroke. (SOCIAL/SPIRITUAL) english medicine-(MORAL) engineering-(LEGAL) democracy are truthful eliminating illness and crime.