Recent malayalam film titled "RATHI NIRVEDAM" is an social educative feature film aimed at strong indian liberalism risen above from indian conservatives & labour. Small budget film can draw big success. Film producers need believe in right title,script & characters. Film producers need imagination & reality about film success to be true to their name. Audiences are bored with bipolar (love & action) themes. Indian audiences wish more multi-polar(10) undercurrent themes arising from bipolar(love & action) themes to make big success by small budget. Govt.film institutes principals at chennai & pune need advise above to their student actors,sensible photographers & writers/directors about indian cinema. 1)CINEMA IS POWERFUL MEDIUM FOR BOTH PUBLIC TALK- REVIEW & PERSONAL BUSINESS PROFIT TO EARN NAME-FACE. 2)Routine is different from routine. Different is routine from different. Af...