knowledge grows ego.So combine self-social !
Social just brings out self within.
But social(england) needs to be personal(bharat) to be its self within.
So legal english knowledge need be explained from sanskrit knowledge & researched from urdu knowledge.
So indian social need explanation from sanskrit knowledge through english language to be true & morally rich.
And american personal need research from urdu knowledge through english knowledge to be true & socially rich.
Present world is immoral legal to be made into moral legal by human effort.
So let's have both voice & hand concurrency after interchange to be precise in law of approximations !
Jaathi chandaala is better than neethi chandaala by explanation.
But social(england) needs to be personal(bharat) to be its self within.
So legal english knowledge need be explained from sanskrit knowledge & researched from urdu knowledge.
So indian social need explanation from sanskrit knowledge through english language to be true & morally rich.
And american personal need research from urdu knowledge through english knowledge to be true & socially rich.
Present world is immoral legal to be made into moral legal by human effort.
So let's have both voice & hand concurrency after interchange to be precise in law of approximations !
Jaathi chandaala is better than neethi chandaala by explanation.