
Showing posts from April 21, 2012

Problem is direction but not magnitude.

One has to think for city/world at first.Then city/world thinks for one. One has to think for ALL at first and OURS at next. Problem is not magnitude but its direction. Right direction for one's liberation is to think for ALL at first and OURS at next.  

Middlemen are instructing demons.Let's have NAME-VOICE BY FACE.

School/college/institute is ideally a place where giving one's knowledge(buddhiki buddhi) & taking others knowledge(buddhiki buddhi) has to be equal.

Think & act.

Police & reactionaries main duty is enabling valuable human society. I found that 1)police are developing vested interest in name;2)reactionaries are developing interest in ruling. How can system change into true if influential police & reactionaries are becoming obstructionists of change? We developed moral-legal systems & technology. But we didn't develop social values by HEART(last 1%). Those who are for power really must be powerful in society to kill public opposition,maoism & immoral prostitution.       

Include jesus or ram as last 1% voice of divisive voice.

Last 1% in thought is called heart(soul) of person mind. It should not be negative. One should make it positive by FRACTIONAL BRILLIANCE. Sending public message(140 spaces) by sms is heart(last 1% thought). One should DIVIDE VOICE AND INCLUDE HEART(LAST 1% VOICE OF VOICE) BY FACE to be true from deception,simple from complexity & sweet from mind sweat. SYSTEM IS DIVIDING "VOICE' INCLUDING "VOICE OF VOICE".