One need not be engineer or doctor or legal practitioner to DESERVE MONEY FOR SELF. One can be moral-legal concurrent/interchange among social four even though he/she becomes FULL 16 LEVEL DEPTH knowledgeable(3 or 4 self-points in 3 or 4 social directions) worker or employee or businessperson as interchange/concurrent "one-OF-one" FOR precise "same-and-the other" BY "discipline-clarity-nonlinearity-sense". As it explains,1)if a worker works by full 16 level depth knowledge with and without memory,then he/she deserves name,money & respect;2)if an employee employs his/her skills by full 16 level depth knowledge with and without analytical power,then he/she deserves name,money & respect;3)if a businessperson do business by full 16 level depth knowledge with and without creative power,then he/she deserves name,money & respect. "Professional(personal) brilliance should not be exaggerated as existing professional(personal) brilliance will bec...