
Showing posts from February 19, 2016

So law court is creating social crime. And law court system is being,has to be and will be eliminated soon.

Law court is inconsistency.

Illness comes from CENTRE of mind(work) and word(sense). CENTRE has centre within.

Knowledge(of) means subjectivity. Self(sensible mindful voice) means objectivity.

Questioning better is to know difference of sense in complexity of person,word and situation.

Language has sense. We should know sense for language used by questioning better.

How can small person think about big things ?

à°ªెà°¦్దన్నయ్à°¯ à°šిà°¨్à°¨ à°¬ుà°¦్à°§ి à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°šిà°¨్à°¨ à°µాà°°ి à°ªెà°¦్à°¦ à°¬ుà°¦్à°§ిà°¨ి à°¨ిà°°్à°®ూలన à°šేయటాà°¨ిà°•ి  à°•à°¦ా !

Innovative ideas should be made part of life by academic world.


Polluting environment is crime.


Youth in India should know exact history of India than just being swayed away by articulation of selfish political people.


National herald case is vendetta by modi sarkar.


Bazar maya


Liberal nationalism is the only solution and path for India.


Only in immature social democracy,govt as it is either right or wrong with wrong because of itspeople's ignorance need Indian law courts and opposition parties.

In mature social democracy,govt is itself court of people. So there is no need for Indian law court/s in mature Indian governance which will not have opposition.

When we say that we oppose you,that need not mean that we oppose you "both for and against other/s". When secular Hinduism and fundamental Hinduism are different forms of same Hinduism,how can fundamentalism stays in Hinduism ? Human mind is social(self for other of other/s).So narrrrow-minded fundamentalism prevail as broad-minded secular Hinduism. And Broad-minded secular Hinduism prevail as narrow-minded fundamental Hinduism. Fundamentalism is being mindful(lawful). Secularism is "being mindful(lawful) only to mindful(lawful)". Secularism makes self as well as other/s as Hindus. Fundamentalism is being self as hindu/s.


Andhrapradesh women need learn hard work from malayali women.


Guest/s to home are compulsion in andhrapradesh state.


Business failure is stepping stone for business success.


Good times are ahead.


I think both "otherwise" and "otherwise to otherwise".And I hope that everybody will be same.
