The name "kota srinivasa rao" belongs to other world nations at first and india at next. Kota srinivasa rao is none other than pathitha pavana sita ram. Name of ram is powerful than person of ram. Without seeing self within,without seeing self from other four among their four each,without seeing other four among their four each from self within,people are indulging in USE OF MY NAME. Naturally users will be used. And believers will be believed. Both wrong AND wrong of wrong by wrong for wrong are same. So if anyone does a wrong small mistake,let him/her do small "wrong to wrong" mistake to make it right. తప్à°ªుà°²ు à°…ందరూ à°šేà°¸్à°¤ాà°°ు à°¤్à°¯ాà°—ాà°²ు à°•ొందరే à°šేà°¸్à°¤ాà°°ు . హనుà°®(మహాà°¤్à°®ా à°—ాంà°§ీ ) à°…ందరి à°¤్à°¯ాà°—à°®ు à°•à°¨్à°¨ా à°—ొà°ª్పది . As per spiritual psychology,HUMAN BODY CELL IS COMPOSED OF PHYSICAL LAYER,PSYCHOLOGICAL LAYER,SYSTEMIC/SPIRITUAL LAYER. G(GENERATOR)-O(OPERATOR)-D(DESTRUCTOR) IS NOTHING BUT NEUTRAL-EXTREME(good spirit) OVER NEGATIVE-EXTREME(devil)-OF-POSITIVE-E...