Blood cell is by legal sense. Legal sense is provocation of weak voice among concert of 20 persons. So human being has to work through limbs at first and voice at next. As humans are not beasts who don't mind about three social entities(YOU,HE & OTHER). Humans have self-respect in social belief. Sanathana dharma over the ages developed some ills(public deception,idol coersion & ritual practices). 1)Deception is personal(vruthi) but not social(pravruthi). 2)Idol worship is for thought discipline only as alternative but not for coersion and hundi. 3)Ritual practice is memorising person,place and date. So to liberate self towards socio-economic & socio-religious trueness,leader(indians) has to go for correction within country at first by using social media for better world. MONEY is voice.But money is certainly not dead black money stashed in foreign countries away from immorals previously. A person by name brings value for money.Senseless sensibles need know ...