
Showing posts from June 6, 2012

Ambiguity led to corruption.

Ambiguity is not scientifically true. Ambiguity is neither proof nor explanation.

Quantitative name is for self-respect in social.

Courtrooms in world today prosecute antispirituals(pandavas of mahabharat kurukshetra)(court believers) as police accused or civil defendents.  Court adminstrators(social believers) are antisocials(kauravas of mahabharat kurukshetra). Both have social contrasts. So both need to relieve/solve their personal contrasts for social brightness to solve broad social heart. It is now cloud nine towards sweet sixteen of tiny(10**-6 to 0) by small(1 to 4) for big(5 to 8).

Journalists by name & voice! Evolve social psychology by everyday cellphone struggle with police & editors.

I blame journalists brilliance which should have done unlimited truth about human history,socio-religious,socio-political and socio-economic points.   What journalists did since the advent of newspapers 200 yrs ago is exploitation of low-immoral-weak minded provocation among social four. Journalists behaved deceptive-appearance(limited) while their editors behaved true(unlimited) by psychology and sociology.

Change social.

So what after getting crores of money by name? One has to build simple quality by being complex of complex in social.

Without calculating on paper,one can't bring system change.

Complex of complex is simple quality build. Audience is not public. Film director/hero tells public message to audience for review. Engineering/film creation both require paper for gay mind upliftment.