
Showing posts from May 9, 2016

At present,we are in reactionary rule. Reactionaries who are in hurry against ignorance(evil spirit) will get self-eliminated in hurry later.

Imperial rule is in-between anarchy and reaction in immature society. Reactionary rule is at the end to solve anarchy. Social(knowledge) rule is at the ultimate to uphold humanism. 

God is either good with bad OR good with good. But human is both good with bad AND good with good. So human by becoming human(better answerer by better questioning) again is above god(reactionary)(better questioner). So be subjective against God and/or devil within self as social(knowledgeable) human(self-earner).

IAS/IPS officers ! True low level person is one who is unable to be both high and low.

Any personally-bad character has immorality(inconsistency against adverse questions) in his/her within. Purpose of public governance is to make immorality(crime) self-eliminate by itself through including it within. A moral person is by immorality. A legal person is by illegality. A knowledgeable is by ignorance. That means a righteousness is only by wrongfulness. Wrongfulness is the base for righteousness. A democrat is by imperial only. Imperial(Rajas) is the base for democratic structure. Never try to build structures without base. Never make.imagination to be wild. Imagine some(5 steps) level. NEVER PLAN WILD AS NARA CHANDRABABU NAIDU AP CM DOES. SOCIAL PLAN SHOULD NOT EXCEED 15 YEARS PERIOD. No plan is successful and real beyond 15 years as society(world) is so big and deep that a single person or a single group can never plan beyond 15 years about anything in society(world) for success in true reality.

Any person who is not good with bad and bad with good to prevail good with good and bad with bad will possess EVIL SPIRIT. That means any personally-bad character will nurture evil spirit in his/her within.

Unlike other nationalities,Indian nationalism is broad and universal so much so that any parochial and narrow-minded aspirations of its subjects will naturally get defeated/self-eliminated at the ultimate.

Any citizen(common man) who is wishing to see his/her regional,language,religious,racial,caste,class and creed aspirations to be fulfilled at their fullest level must know that he/she should be indian(social)(knowledgeable) at first and his native to his/her language at next.

Yes ! Emergency was declared in the backdrop of prevailing situation because of some incidents happened prior to emergency against govt . Media always wanted to sell words which are not truthful because truthful words can't be sold. And media existence is to sell words which are not to be believed.


That is why Rama fought war with ravana for Sita. And Sita has no other man in her mind than Rama. This Sita-Rama relationship which is heart-in-heart is being searched among every couple in every household NOW.

తన à°­à°°్à°¤ à°µిà°¶్à°µాసముà°¨ు à°­ాà°°్à°¯ à°•ోà°°ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి తనను à°¤ాà°¨ు సమర్పణ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోవటాà°¨ిà°•ి . à°…à°²ాà°—ే à°­ాà°°్à°¯ à°µిà°¶్à°µాసము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°­à°°్తతో à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే à°‰ంà°¡ాలని à°­à°°్à°¤ à°•ోà°°ుà°•ుంà°Ÿాà°¡ు . 

It was done what a democratically elected PM has to do against an evil spirit called judiciary when that evil spirit called judiciary is behaving like democratic PM without being and knowing politics of the day in world. Of course an evil spirt called judiciary calls other democratic lover/s as evil spirit/s. Evil spirit means inconsistency against adverse questions. As evil spirit characteristic is to call its adversary as evil spirit, its social mind prevails,has to prevail and must prevail over its personal mind. That means evil spirit (inconsistency against adverse questions) of social-mind(socially-bad character which means personally-good character) should naturally prevail over evil spirit (inconsistency against adverse questions) of personal-mind(socially-good character which means personally-bad character). That means India Gandhi evil spirit prevailed over evil spirt of Allahabad high court judge verdict against then Indian PM. Isn't it ?


NAME MEANS PURUSHA FOR PRAKRUTI(PHYSICAL MATTER). Nameless are not supposed to have voice(money) and hand(face). As society is maturing from two-thirds antisocials(faceless)(tamas) to socials(faces)(knowledgeables), nameless(senseless) subjects of state must need be upgraded into namefuls(sensibles) by bifurcation of selfish heart into self-in-social heart. And that bifurcation of andhrapradesh state into andhrapradesh state and telangana state happened as per natural course of sociology and history. What's wrong in it ? Reactionaries need answer me on this blogpost. Regarding nature and hurry of AP state bifurcation is concerned, ruling party/alliance at central govt need address and balance both all other states people aspirations and AP state people who are divergent on issue of bifurcation towards future answerability among people and their elections. A reformer need balance both for and against reform(reorganisation) with HURRIED AND HUSH-HUSH MANNER even risk of acceptance and regularisation is not successful in truth(power politics)(election battle). Pl.note that head(heart) should sacrifice(RENUNCIATE) social(knowledge) for the sake of other parts of body politic. Just like I am renunciating my knowledge(social) for public. And I am not supposed to claim whatever written good knowledge(social) in these blogposts as my own knowledge(social) anymore in future use as I have given away my knowledge(social) within to public on my own. Because I am not supposed to RENUNCIATE self as Bjp people do. Bjp is bad character party with good character leaders. So INC is good character party with bad character leaders "to prevail" as good character party with good character leaders for success in truth(power) at the ultimate as INC is the ruling party all over world from first to last. Law is that first is to last. And m k Gandhi worked for it. Isn't it ?

As society is maturing,society needs sensibles(namefuls)(humans) about mindful voices. Society was yet to mature during Indira Gandhi regime.So telangana state demand was not heeded then even though telangana people agitated in 1969 AD. As maturing society is lacking sensibles(namefuls)(humans) during present climax,andhrapradesh  state which is heart of society need be bifurcated for want of "sensibles(namefuls)(humans out of antisocial devils and reactionary gods)" about "mindful voices". Govt of India is more responsible about collective governance of all Indian people which means including people of every state towards social morality than individual state govt. which is about collective governance of people of that state ONLY.

Yes ! Rajiv Gandhi did mistake of not consulting cabinet before sending troops to srilanka. BUT THAT TYPE OF MISTAKES WERE NEVER DONE BY INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS. Indian national congress detractors must note.

Interference of any form into neighbouring sovereign countries affairs has to be done with utmost care and caution. Otherwise that interference will bounce back in the form of all other world nations aggression into interfering country. Because political or military interference will cause economic catastrophe and cultural turbulences throughout world nations as one nation economy is linked directly or indirectly with every other nation's economy in one way or other. Two world wars lesson says that. Pl.note. ----------