
Showing posts from July 10, 2017

Machinery design and development is done by constructing its prototype at first to know its working.


British railways system was "meticulously planned and executed system".


Do straight talking. Because there may not be straight mind or straight hand.




Addressee gets delivered and will deliver. As was stated by Arun Nehru,ex.union govt minister and late.rajiv Gandhi confidante-turned-foe, It is ultimately people to whom we have to deliver.

Sarcastic to sarcastic in sarcastic is "(not)"dignity. 

Human being has to become human again "by self-eliminating demon-mindset,devil-mindset,dog-mindset,fox-mindset and serpent-mindset" within self. LEARN LATERAL THINKING towards provoking other/s minds(but not sense/s) for making other/s sensible among themselves. Lateral thinking requires personally right character which means "socially wrong character" or "appearing bad" to solve appearing good and being bad by themselves.


Guide(rule)(teaching teachers or antisocials) is for better. Teach is for the best of the best.


WIN-WIN philosophy is truth(power)(knowledge) which believes in oneness by respecting truth(knowledge)(power) which is appearing as.two(diversity). That means internet deserves noble peace prize.


Natural lifestyle of cooking for self solves fat and obesity.


Three is not social. Four is not personal.


Mind and word mechanism : After shouting and shouting as being "other/s in self" at first is mind meditating word/s on self in other/s. SHOUT IS TAMAS(ignorance which is social knowledge in self). MEDITATION IS LIGHT which is self knowledge in social.


Seeing pleasure in pleasure is abstract. Seeing pleasure in hardship is lateral thinking. Human when become social from personal will be lateral thinker whose words as useful to self as much to other/s. As there is Indian police which is senseless fundamentalist bjp-rss rise at first,there is,has to be and will be Hindu-Muslim rise at next,Islamic-Hindu rise at last and true world Hindu rise at the ultimate. And one should believe in truth which is at the ultimate. Past continuity is essential for politics success. Present continuity of public ADMINSTRATION aspiring to be public politics will vanish for want of dignity and name through mind(law),sense and voice(money).


Great Grandson of his highness Mir Mukharram Jah PRINCE RAUNAQ YAR KHAN is still UNMARRIED like me. Good days are ahead.


Like below,any news channel or media has to leave questions to world public than offering solutions to world public. Pl.note that there is difference between "leaving questions for self in other/s" AND "leaving questions for.other/s in self". Leaving questions for self in other/s is pro-establishment mind being anti-establishment thought. Leaving questions for other/s in self is anti-establishment mind being pro-establishment thought. Even though front and back wheels are same in magnitude,it is Back wheel that should drive front wheel which guides back wheel. But it "appears" that front wheel is driving back wheel FOR THIRD PARTY. So FOUR SOCIALS are essential to solve immoral role of third party as society is maturing.


Yes ! We the people hereby constitute TO CULTIVATE(moralise) CULTIVATORS.

à°•్à°·ేà°¤్à°°à°®ుà°¨ెà°°ింà°—ిà°¨ à°µాà°¡ు à°•్à°·ేà°¤్à°°à°œ్à°žుà°¡ు అనబడుà°¦ుà°°ు . -భగవద్à°—ీà°¤ . 

BRAHMA jnanam means creative(imaginative) power.BRAHMANyam is not one of the four varnams. Brahmana(purity of thought) is being Kshatriya TO Kshatriya;being Vaisya TO Vaisya and being Sudra TO Sudra. So APPEAR SAME TO SAME BEING DIFFERENT. Avoid APPEARING DIFFERENT BEING SAME TO SAME. A true Brahman sees Brahman in all four varnams. Brahamanym is PREVAILANCE but not being.


HEART WITHIN HEART IS SENSIBILITY. Only sensible person who appears as bad(evil) and is being mediocre mind makes all other/s(both appearing good and being bad) as sensible among themselves BY EVERYDAY PROVOKING MINDS OF OTHER/S.

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