
Showing posts from August 10, 2012

I research.You use it.

Memory line is clarity(1857-1907),discipline(1907-1947),nonlinearity(1948-1964) and voice-sense(1964-2012). Voice line is chronicled as telugu films 'gamyam(2008)' and 'vedam(2010)'. Reel sense goes into real self to craft self-respect(memory line) and social belief(voice line). So I request everyone in world to write-store his biography in MS-word documents by windows user account with strong password-protect FROM AUGUST 2012 AD.

film critics

One should not watch film or hear audio without talk. So film critics are important. 

Important notice to all students in world.

Marks are relative among class of 40 for the academic year in a school/college. So any student should not aspire more than 66% marks. If any student aspiring more than 66% marks,he/she will be insane(giving voice without adding name to it for legal binding towards consistency among social four).  

Address or occupation is important to everyone.

I am vidyardhi of guru raghavendra. An engineer has to change system. One has to become the thing.

Expose of name is loss of all others respect in city/district/world.

ENGINEER or DIRECTOR must have concert of 20 persons respect about work knowledge. SUPERVISOR must have social four persons respect about work knowledge. WORKER need not have social four persons respect about work knowledge. ESSAY WRITING:Concept of essay is first paragraph.Voice of essay is body.Inference is last paragraph. PUBLIC SERVICE is concept background of social four to their social four each,four characters(reactionary,antispiritual,immoral-legal and imperial) voice-sense and time elapsed.  

GURU IS TRUTH (INC).Spiritual is direction.Hindu is nativity.

Guru is the most important person(voice) to be respected-followed by four social forces(reactionary force,antispiritual force,immoral-legal force and imperial force) within self among social four to their social four each.


Man work is 'face voice' or 'body limbs' by ear,nose and throat.

Work voice-activity components-definitions change

Knowledge is either 16 seam full depth PATH OR at full depth DESTINATION which self-realises that one doesn't know anything.So social BLOG by name has value.  Death is for mind but not for heart. Law is 2 nights and 2 days among social four. Interchange experimentalist at first,concurrent spiritual(medical)(negative of positive directional) researcher at next and precise(social relational) scientist at last is ramrajya.