
Showing posts from June 22, 2017

Security from threats(adverse questions) is THE CONCERN.


Stability of mind in dynamic society makes all other people in society CHANGE INTO TRUE from deception.


Any conflict has pre-conflict scenario and post-conflict scenario for world. So wisdom of Buddha 8 fold path must be kept in mind TO PREVAIL among conflicting nations. Conflict resolution purpose is to avoid future conflicts. I THINK that USA will change its mind(law) towards "being lawful only to lawful". Being lawful only lawful will solve self-ignorance which is caused by escapism,adamant-mindset which is caused by regression and rotten-mindset which is caused by pessimism. Socio-economic,socio-religious and socio-political complexities resolution is,has to be and will be the goal of every nation in world. As Gurudev said,where knowledge is free,oh god ! Let my people march -'Gitanjali.


NATIVITY means Hinduism. How can any USA supporter ignore that "nativity must follow globalisation" ?


"WAIT AND SEE" is the solution for corporate bankruptcy and NPA.

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Invaders of India followed pattern which is reminiscent of human history ups and downs. Invaders of India were not just because of Indian external imperialism but also because of Indian internal self-deception.
