Showing posts from June 22, 2017
Stability of mind in dynamic society makes all other people in society CHANGE INTO TRUE from deception.
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Any conflict has pre-conflict scenario and post-conflict scenario for world. So wisdom of Buddha 8 fold path must be kept in mind TO PREVAIL among conflicting nations. Conflict resolution purpose is to avoid future conflicts. I THINK that USA will change its mind(law) towards "being lawful only to lawful". Being lawful only lawful will solve self-ignorance which is caused by escapism,adamant-mindset which is caused by regression and rotten-mindset which is caused by pessimism. Socio-economic,socio-religious and socio-political complexities resolution is,has to be and will be the goal of every nation in world. As Gurudev said,where knowledge is free,oh god ! Let my people march -'Gitanjali.
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NATIVITY means Hinduism. How can any USA supporter ignore that "nativity must follow globalisation" ?
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"WAIT AND SEE" is the solution for corporate bankruptcy and NPA.
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