
Showing posts from May 25, 2012

Police are in-between public means but not public ends.

Court trials by many(10)-to-many(10) ACCESS are itself punishment at "positive AND negative" person-face towards making "positive OR negative". 

Are indian women in perfect control of their psyche at 15% to 20% by fine sense for discretion in social?

Whether indian women are perfect control of their psyche at 15% to 20% in social TO AVOID FEMALE INFANTICIDE & GENDER DETECTION TESTS? Psychological control means duties towards 1)their men to earn more,2)their children to imagine(at 40%) as better and 3)their socio-economic planning. DO:Women psyche need think at FINE(positive of negative by positive for negative OR negative of positive by negative for positive) SENSE. DO NOT:Women psyche should not think at INDISCRETE(positive of negative by positive for negative AND negative of positive by negative for positive) SENSE.   

One should make public as negative or positive through self-voice by following law court proceedings.

Building skills,careers & party is by lectures at face.

Sense means positive OR negative direction.

Mother means respect and following. Mother does not mean belief and obeying. Sanathana dharma has contrasts(negative extreme and positive extreme) to be overcome for true extreme. Dead persons leave SENSE(direction) for living persons. But journalists & film directors failed in their duty of making "negative AND positive" persons as "positive OR negative"persons. immoral legal persons(journalists & film directors) becoming moral legal by being moral illegal has duty of making others as moral.     

Blog means SOME 12000 posts IN ALL.

Readability & publishing eligibility both are to be maintained by person face-voice worth name for others grasp. For that,one has to maintain FINE SENSE for others(2nd,3rd & 4th persons). 3 voices becoming 4 voices is to be 2 voices. 2 hearts becoming 1 heart is to be 3 hearts. 

magnitude and direction

Both objective-subjective social police and subjective-objective social reactionaries voice need be either positive OR negative SENSE(direction). Being positive sense appears negative to be true positive. Being negative sense appears positive to be true negative. It takes engineers 15 or 20 yrs time.

Black money & corruption:Both are becoming different to be same.

Black money holders are thieves. Black money is generally invested in film & media sector to make it legal. So media & film promoters should take care against legalising black money. If black money holders are arrested,those police officers will be eligible for bharatratna. Black money is money(voice & heart) which does not satisfy heads of account  by respect(WALKING,GIVING),honour(TAKING,SEEING & VOICING) and excellence(HEARING,THINKING & EATING).     

Y.S.Jagan question time.

Jagan! Investor money(100s/500s/1000s bundles of 100) should not be from immoral voice. Promoter has moral duty to check it. There is heart at next which is voice of voice. One should be good at next.  It is not enough for you to be legal. It is needed to be moral you at investor and his money. Promoter should not allow investor who may be thief. 

People must educate themselves.

In present mature indian democracy,every adult has one vote on equal basis.And contesting candidates come to voters by face.And voters are before given specimen ballot paper by recognised parties.Are they studying & calculating pros and cons of candidates points on paper by full depth of knowledge of history and adminstration principles TO CAST THEIR SACRED VOTE ON POLLING DAY? Why 6000 sections of people in city are making social nuisance,din & disruption everyday by their voice & conduct?  Think whether political leaders alone are responsible for corruption and under-development! Voters have real power in their hands to self-realise in social.But they are in immoral voice. So now tell me who are to be prosecuted for social corruption? I will hear,think and eat.