
Showing posts from May 12, 2012

Dissatisfaction leads to gambling.

Money is voice.It should not be gambled in society. Voice(heart of heart) is conviction. Dissatisfaction leads to gambling.

HEARING SENSE need improve.Everyone is judge within.

0.001% can be changed into 99.999%. SYSTEM CHANGES ITSELF AT THE END OF PART 2. BUT EFFORT(prayatnam) SHOULD BE THERE. 

Police(socio-political social scientists) must follow psychologists.Police need not follow sociologists.

FOLLOWING IS VOICE.OBEYING IS HEART. Police need follow voice to obey heart. My voice is selling by name B.E.(bachelor of engineering). C.P.(commissioner of police)voice is not selling by name. Courts are active everyday throughout world. Courts are COMPLEX(of) EITHER(positive of negative)-OR(negative of positive).

Veda is voice and heart.Persons are neglecting voice.Public is neglecting heart.

Extreme-extremity develops divisions in its ranks. So vedic saying"by becoming different is to be same" is put in practice by M K Gandhi for success at the end of part 2. Hindu-christianity-islam dharmas have interlocking point(EXTREME-EXTREMITY). So naturally MODERATION exists by extreme-extremity division. Let's include moderation in extreme for our existence. Let's follow veda of voice & heart.

SAKSHI has no sakshi for it.

"SAKSHI' newspaper bank account freeze is making of its own. See! To counter "eenadu,andhra jyothi,tv9" satya pracharam,"sakshi" need not be OPENLY AGAINST them. By being against BOTH "eenadu,andhra jyothi,tv9" AND govt ambiguity,"Sakshi" has made itself as public target. TO TARGET AMBIGUITY,ONE MUST BE TRUE TO SELF BY POSITIVE OF NEGATIVE FOR NEGATIVE   OF POSITIVE. Secret of success against enemy in social four persons is sustained-passiveness(negative of positive FOR positive of negative). RAMA AIMED ONLY TO KILL DEVIL SYMPTOM IN RAVANA. BUT RAVANA HIMSELF MADE HIMSELF AS DEVIL PERSON TO BE KILLED BY SELF-REASONS. VEDA DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN VOICE & HEART OF PERSON. But if SAKSHI doesn't recognise veda saying(voice & heart are becoming different to be same",SAKSHI" experiment failed. Thief do have BOTH voice & heart. But if public don't recognise voice of thief,they will become cases before court...

Social is spiritual.

Any person must see friends in enemies. PERSON means VEDIC VOICE(bhavam).