Bartending is hand-art of adversity-comedy-feeling for success. --------------------------------------------- EVERY COOKING HOUSEWIFE MUST MASTER 'LAW OF APPROXIMATION(imagination) BETWEEN MORE AND LESS' TO COOK AND SERVE INMATES OF HOME. --------------------------------------------- MAINTAIN SUPPLY:Cook 15%-33% more than 100% which will REACH 100% for breakfast at first. HAVE BALANCE:If get wasted,cook 15%-33% less than breakfast which will STAY 100% for lunch at next. NURTURE DEMAND:If sufficient 100% or less than 100%,cook 15%-33% more than lunch which will STAY 66%-85% at last. AGAIN MAINTAIN SUPPLY IN NEXT DAY BREAKFAST.So on..................................... ............................................... ...................... -------------------------------------------------- In above cyclic reciprocation,there is little bit of INDUCIVE pain(bitter) which makes both cooking-serving self and consuming other/s into social-being-professional. That induction ...