
Showing posts from July 10, 2012

There is limit as native(hindu)(discipline)-social(indian)(satisfaction).Evolve social psyche.

All people can't do all things. All people can't have all things in life. All people can't be on one of the many(10) top posts.

Pakistan organisation OF native(hindu)-social(Indian) is created for united states by united kingdom.

Name in police F.I.R. and/or chargesheet is itself is crime conviction in critical times. 

Future of immoral-legality is bleak.

One should be discrete.But one should not be discriminative.

Democracy is successful if people are educated on social & adminstrative(subject) knowledge.

INC does not encourage psychophancy,hypocracy,hypothesis & corruption. But above ills are in imperial society. So to get rid of above ills as true social(indian),INC is out of power for past 14 yrs.

India's law minister recognised that Indian National Congress is directionless(non-native)(non-hindu) now in july 2012 A.D.

Media should not take union law minister words negatively. World's biggest political party(INC) is at last being responsive as native(hindu)-social(indian). Heart research is by thought clarity,discipline & nonlinearity. INC is getting better over THE BEST. Otherwise bjp,maoists & police beings will enjoy political power. INC is shedding its imperial psychophancy & hypocracy for imagination and reality.  

Eliminate psychophants & hypocrites in voice politics.

Yes! Rahul gandhi is liability for indian national congress leadership. A political leader has to be successful on his/her own in an election. Rahul gandhi is failure in voice politics. Salman kurshid's call for young & new leadership in congress is justified to eliminate psychophants,hypocrites & power brokers.  . 

Greet 284 nations colours as personal.

I doubt whether many police,doctors,media & film professionals as native-social leaders have ever greeted 284 world nations by flag colour? Every nation colour has history which needs to be studied by every indian university college academic council and students to become native(hindu)-social(indian). There's no use for students in protesting on roads.World polity is so huge to absorb mature personals. To change social into indian,one should be native(hindu)-indian(social) at first. Courts will entertain only groups litigation.Groups are legal.  

Social imagination has limit.Personal imagination has no limit.So make personal films for youtube by windows moviemaker..

Only reactionary age(old age) films have repeat value in tv. Antisocial age(middle age) films have no repeat value in tv. Present films are imperial age which will die by 2026 A.D.. 

Both city universities and govts.share EQUAL DUTY for fourth order social court.

B.R.Ambedkar call "educate-agitate-organise" social system is valid for science & social studies students only by systematic study of each world nation history,politics & adminstration through concert of 20 persons among groups of 100 in 1000 towards groups of 1000. Native is by direction. Social is by relation. So university college academic councils need form committees to study primary & higher-secondary school curriculum with respect to concert of 20 persons among groups of 100 in 1000 for groups of 1000. We have to universalise education for mature democratic world(hindu-indian)(native-social). We all know that police are world arabic for world communism,world maoism and world imperialism. As police used to ask "what the third person is saying?" & "Has anyone TWEETED with you so?" Making alien hindus and alien indians as disciplined indians and disciplined hindus respectively is the sole purpose of christian and muslim organisat...

World is composed of groups of 1000 as native(hindu)-social(indian).

INC strength is social knowledge,patience against criticism and social sense. To oppose INC leadership with discipline to its programs as political student,study each one of 284 world nations COLOUR by its history,politics & adminstration. Every social student need voice by name through PC to make any statement. Every 4th or 6th message will be statement. So type message and send to concert of 20 persons among groups of 100 in 1000 for groups of 1000. World is composed of groups of 1000.

INC allows inner democracy BUT WITH discipline to its programs.

Being one-in-many(10) at first is being on top at next. This is academic success in subject/s and social knowledge. To oppose indian national congress politics & adminstration,join in it. INC allows inner democracy with discipline to its programs.

Nurture HRD than machines.

Population growth has solution in thought clarity,discipline,nonlinearity and sense.