Both city universities and govts.share EQUAL DUTY for fourth order social court.

B.R.Ambedkar call "educate-agitate-organise" social system is valid for science & social studies students only by systematic study of each world nation history,politics & adminstration through concert of 20 persons among groups of 100 in 1000 towards groups of 1000.
Native is by direction.
Social is by relation.
So university college academic councils need form committees to study primary & higher-secondary school curriculum with respect to concert of 20 persons among groups of 100 in 1000 for groups of 1000.
We have to universalise education for mature democratic world(hindu-indian)(native-social).
We all know that police are world arabic for world communism,world maoism and world imperialism.
As police used to ask "what the third person is saying?" & "Has anyone TWEETED with you so?"
Making alien hindus and alien indians as disciplined indians and disciplined hindus respectively is the sole purpose of christian and muslim organisations in world.
