
Showing posts from April 29, 2016

Great job is getting done by being-knowledgeable narendra modi. But world wants appearing-ignorant to make public as being self-knowledgeables. That is PowerPoint.


Asian nations strategies in 21st century A.D. started dominating western powers in world affairs. East has risen. Western dominance in world affairs is over.


There is nothing like art cinema and commercial cinema at present film industry bad days. Mass(commercial) of(to) mass(commercial) cinema is class(art) cinema. Isn't it ? India has come of age. IRNSS navigation satellites are successfully launched with low-cost. Is it not indian achievement age among world comity of nations ?


Director S S Rajamouli ! Mrunal Sen was already internationally-acclaimed director.


Tamil nationalism is oppurtunism whereas dravidam is wickedness. Anyhow one thing is for sure. Tamilnadu voters are vexed with dravidian politics in power whether naam Tamilar kachchi (NTK) or pattaal makkal kachchi (PMK) or Vijayakanth and Vaiko alliance will be in power or not. It is true reality and good for Indian politics. Justice parties should bow before knowledge(left-of-centrist) parties.


Be personal-brilliant of(to) social-brilliant.

సమాజముà°²ో "à°—ొà°ª్à°ª" à°®à°¨ిà°·ిà°•ి à°‰ంà°¡à°•ూà°¡à°¨ి à°—ుణముà°²ు . 1.à°“à°°్à°ªు à°²ేà°®ి 2. లగ్జరీ 3. à°…à°¸ూà°¯ 4. à°¨ిà°°ుà°¤్à°¸ాహము 5. ఆత్à°® à°—ౌరవము 6. అసహనము 7. à°…à°¤్à°¯ాà°¶ 8.  à°…à°¹ంà°•ాà°°à°®ు 

That is why antisocial(ignorant)(untouchable Bjp party) people "naturally" come into power "at present end times" for social(knowledge)(subjective-mind.success in truth(power) at the ultimate.

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Only Indian(myself)(KSR)(Rama) character(feeling)(appearing) and being are same. WHAT I FEEL IS WHAT I AM IN SOCIETY.


Summer heat will always be there. But summer heat should not be in your life. 2.Monsoon rains will always be there. Monsoon rains should not there in your life. 3. Winter cold will always be there. Winter cold should not always be there in your life.


Chase the chaser !


Mercury is element on which need be conducted experiments in chemistry labs for better knowledge of its properties. Periodic table is wonderful arrangement .


Your adversary(evil) must be made your strength to self-eliminate evil.

Being SOME is wonderful human. Because SOME solves evils in ONE(personal) and ALL(society).

Maqbar-E-Jahanghir AIK NAZAR (Urdu Documentary)


Dhanush's Kodi rumours - Official clarfication | Hot Tamil Cinema News


Enai Noki Paayum Thota‬ - Turkey Shooting Spot | Dhanush | Gautham Vasud...


Uraiyaadal and stuff.. | Gautham Vasudev Menon & Dhanush | Part - 01


S V Ranga Rao Sentiment Scene - Pandanti Kapuram Movie


Pandanti Kapuram Movie || Evamma Jagadala Video Song || Krishna, Saroja ...


Pandanti Kapuram Movie || Eenaadu Kattukunna Video Song || Krishna, Saro...


Minor babu ...karunna minoru.


Paalaraathi Bommaku - NTR - Bhanumathi - Ammayi Pelli


Nee manasu namanasu ekamy - Ida lokam


Rama Rajyam - yemandi letha buggala lawyer garu


Punnami laaga vochhipommani jabili adigindi


pasi hrudayaalu - Chusina chupe chudani pade pade


Be some in all.Avoid being all in some as indian police and indian media do.

Information is all. Knowledge is some.