
Showing posts from May 29, 2011


Those who engage public will be engaged. Those who represent public will be represented. Those who reflect public will be reflected. Those who instruct public will be instructed. Those who heal public will be healed. Those who solve public will be solved. Those who write public will be written. Those who compose public will be composed. Those who explain public will be explained. Let people engage self,represent self,reflect self,instruct self,heal self,solve self,write self,compose self & explain self than social. Let's be JACK of all and master of none. Let's not be ACE,KING or QUEEN.

complex & mystical human body

Human body is temple.Body is sacred.Body is binary action by hand. Human mind is philosophy.Mind is interchangeable with either body or soul.Mind is dynamic complete thought of 256 shades. Human soul is allah.Soul speaks truth.Soul is word with 8 nadamulu from face to face.


Either mind or heart is non-linear.

Philosophical thinking is fine & intricate

Body & mind are subject & philosophy which can become light. Soul is religious belief which can become blind. Body is jesus christ crucification. Mind is vast & deep hindu philosophy. Soul is religious faithful (muslim).

body theory - mind philosophy - religious soul

Body theory is true secular (humanism) spiritual self, theory of (philosophical) relativity & theory of (religious)interchangeability. Mind philosophy is materialistic hell bent psychology,theory of (philosophical)relativity & theory of (religious)interchangeability, Religious soul is heaven straight(hindu/islam application) society,theory of (philosophical) relativity & theory of (religious) interchangeability. M K Gandhi as religious being at first opposed two nation theory (creation of pakistani public & indian self & psychology). Body theory is unconsciousness,cross of christ with islamic bent. Mind philosophy is sub-consciousness,true secular hindutva. Religious soul is consciousness,electro-curve of heart beat.