Bhagavadgita is brilliant to brilliant because it is both asker and teller. As much will be asker is brilliant,so much will be teller is brilliant. Sense grows only by digging other better and right. So if anyone reads bhagavadgita,he will find that God himself tells that human will be brilliant than God of human is being some in all and self in self and other/s than being all in some and being.other in self. That human being by becoming human again will be able to oppose dictation of God. That is why any Hindu scholars never believe in invoking God in mornings and afternoons but at nights. God is dictator against anarchy(antisocial). But antisocial leads to social(knowledge). That means circuit of asking-knowing-verifying-telling is essential by voice,mind,thought and self within everybody. Avoid hurry in telling other//. Let other/s feel need of yourself to tell about yourself. Appearance leads to quality. But without quality,there can be appearance. That means ghosts exist and don't exist as per your belief. Without yourself,your shadow doesn't exist. So have belef(fear). But belief(fear) should be a taken care so that it never becomes blind belief(fear). OASIS IS APPEARANCE because your eyes tells you that you should not ignore/believe your eyes only. If you should make up your mind so that your mind thinks better about what is seen by your eyes. Horoscope is mind. Even if you don't have your child horoscope to be read,you can't change your child horoscope as is being developed by your child later in his/her life. Don't spend on abstract things which has no lateral sense. Because spending on things which have no lateral sense is criminal as per law. You should not devalue your currency value. Money is not for entertainment and luxury. Money is to make more money through critically yielding break-even. Rs.20000 is estimated as critically yield point to be break-even at its peak morality. Auditors and economists may pl.note.

ఆలోచన (మాట ) లలో 0. 0000000...... ఊరింపు లేకపోతే ఆ ఆలోచన అసంపూర్ణము అవుతుంది . 
